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"Naruto stayed up, huh?" Sakura chewed her bacon. "That baka, he should know we're practicing how to ride brooms today." Her best friend, Sasuke Uchiha was reading a book on magic potions while as he ate. Sasuke closed his book and looked at Sakura.

"I know. I told him to sleep, but no, he wanted to see Hinata Hyuga from Ravenclaw. Ended up stalking the poor girl." Sasuke scrunched his nose in disgust.

"That idiot! Stalking on one my best friends, and being a pervert? I'll beat him up when he gets down here!" Sakura furiously yelled, slamming her fist on the table. Sasuke shrugged as he looked intently at the pink haired witch.

"10 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!" Mr. Orochimaru said a little louder than necessary. The man stalked around the table Sasuke and Sakura were sitting at. Sakura slumped in her chair.

"Miss Haruno, remember to use an inside voice during meal times. Isn't this your 6th time yet?" Mr. Orochimaru hissed. Sakura merely nodded and the snake teacher went along his sulking way.

"Merlin, I hate that snake teacher." Sakura whispered when she was sure Mr. Orochimaru was out of earshot. He was Slythrins' head house teacher and had a particular distaste for Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. None of the trio knew why.

"Eh," Sasuke mumbled again. He was never the type who spoke often. A man of few words, you could say.

Sakura looked at him carefully this time and something in her chest fluttered. Sasuke's crummy hair that she and Naruto made fun of suddenly looked rather cute. His onyx eyes that showed coldness for everyone else but warmth for her and Naruto felt enticing. She was in a daze, staring at Sasuke.

"Done looking at my extremely handsome features, Sa-ku-ra?" Sasuke said her name nice and slow, managing to shake Sakura out of her daze and make the girl send a death glare to him.

"Shut up Uchiha. I was looking at..." She looked around until she found the heartthrob of the first year class: Sabaku no Gaara. He was behind Sasuke and, she did have to admit, he was hot. Sakura had a crush on him since the first day of school. "Gaara. He's cute, huh?" She said, hoping it would convince Sasuke that he wasn't the one capturing her attention.

Sasuke felt a pang in his chest. He'd hoped she would admit staring at him. Sasuke had a huge crush on Sakura. It was Gaara instead. Every girl was in love with Gaara, and so was Sakura. He pushed away his feelings and looked at her.

"Tch, head over heels for the school's pretty boy, huh Sak? Hope he won't turn you down too badly when you when you ask him out..." Sasuke said with a smirk. Sakura winced at the words. He himself knew how rude it sounded. The air was tense.

"Well, no need to be rude Sasuke." With that, Sakura got up and left. Sasuke sat and sulked in regret from his harsh words. Realising quicky that it would take him nowhere, the boy got up and ran after Sakura.

"I'm sorry... I just-... I don't know. Maybe a bit cranky from last night restless sleep." Sasuke attempted a weak excuse. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, yeah. I was a major jerk. Sorry." Sasuke mumbled. The boy didn't let his ego down often, so Sakura likely knew it was genuine.

"Okay duckbutt, I accept your apology. But, in return, you owe me... let's see, 10 Chocolate Frogs every day for the rest of the week!" Sakura looked proud of her offer and Sasuke mentally groaned. He didn't have that much money but he'd figure out something. Anything for his wonderful best friend. Who also only thought of him as one.

The two walked out of the dining hall, talking and plotting to wake Naruto up in the evilest way possible. Inside, both teengers' minds were off somewhere else.

Don't I like Gaara? What's this strange feeling? I have no idea what's going on! My heart's all wonky and weird now!

I wish she'd love me the same way I do her and not think of me as just her brother and best friend. I don't want to risk our friendship, so I guess we'll never cross that line.

Neither realized that their best friends, Naruto and Hinata, were hiding under Naruto's Invisibility Cloak watching the pair.

"It's a good thing we ate early, huh princess?" Naruto softly said.

"Absolutely. It's obvious those two like each other. Don't you see how they look at one another?" Hinata whispered back. "I swear, those two can be so stupid about love, even though they are the smartest kids in our class."

"Well, our plan is now set in motion." Naruto kissed Hinata's cheek.

One day, those two idiots will realize their feelings. Just like we did. Naruto and Hinata thought.


Cute, huh? Want a part 2? Just ask!


I would love to hear your guys' ideas and I'd love to write them down!

Also, special shoutout to @ShwetaShaktawat for voting and commenting! Thanks! Your comments and votes mean a lot to me!

-Alica Roux

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