The Truth

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A/N: Hey guys! Today's oneshot is based on the picture up there. It's a fun, sweet, making your hearts swoon with a shipping mood type of story! I hope you all enjoy!

Sakura Haruno ran into class, panting.

"Sakura Haruno, you are exactly thirty minutes late to my class. State your reason why." Asuma Sarutobi, the famed math teacher at Konoha High asked with an annoyed expression showing over his face. Sakura looked down, embarrassed. The whole class looked expectantly towards her, awaiting her newest excuse.

"Sorry, Mr. Sarutobi. I was running late because I... uh... overslept?" Sakura said, praying that the excuse would work. The real reason why she was late was because she was in the shower and sang a bit too long.

"Ms. Haruno, if I have to write up another tardy, it will be a two hour detention. I'm sure I make myself clear?" Mr. Sarutobi said with a stern demeanor. Sakura nodded and walked to her seat, which coincidently was by her enemy, the person she despised and loved the most. He cockily looked at her and spoke.

"Mr. Sarutobi, are you sure? This is the fifth time this happened and I bet she didn't oversleep. She might've been singing in the shower too long." He reported. Sakura burned bright red as she pulled her chair back, purposely making a noise and sitting down with a prideful 'hmph'.

"Mr. Uchiha, I decide who's getting punishment for what behavior is shown. No need to contradict my accord. Now focus on the thirty math problems I assigned." Mr. Sarutobi said. Sasuke leaned back in his seat, smirking at his deskmate.

"Do you always have to do that, Sasuke? You're so annoying." Sakura whispered. Sasuke gave a mock pose, pretending he was hurt.

"What do you mean Princess? I didn't do anything. Now, you better get to those problems, or teach' will have another excuse to get on your case." Sasuke said, and he got to his math problems. Sakura huffed and rolled her eyes, and started her own problems.

Class ended about 45 minutes later, with Sakura quickly packing her homework and leaving the class. Sasuke stared after her as he slowly packed his own binders. Everyday, after Math, he would follow Sakura. Where she went always made him annoyed.

Sakura ran downstairs and towards her best friends locker, Gaara no Sabaku. He waved her over with a grin.

"Hey there Gaara!" Sakura said with a cheer. Gaara gave a grin and motioned her over.

"You were late again, I assume?" Gaara teasingly asked. Sakura looked down, and nodded, making Gaara laugh.

"Its not funny! I was late for a really good reason!"

"Like what?"

"Uh, I overslept."

"Which translates over to 'I was singing in the shower for too long.'."

"You know, HE said the same thing."



"Oh, Sasuke Uchiha?"


"The guy you claim to hate, but are secretly in love with?"

"I DO NOT LIKE HIM, IDIOT!" Sakura said with a blush on her cheek. Gaara gave a knowing look, to which she stuck her tongue out to.

"Anyways, I'm planning to ask Matsuri out today. You think I should go for it?" Gaara asked as he scratched his neck. Sakura gasped and smiled.

"OH MY GOD, YES! SERIOUSLY, YES!" Sakura said. Gaara smiled and Sakura gave him a hug.

"Go for it! You'll do great. I see her looking at you anyways all the time." Gaara turned bright red, which made Sakura laugh.

"Geez Sakura. Okay, the bell is gonna ring soon. I'm gonna head off. Meet you later today?"

"No, if Matsuri said yes, walk with her. We won't spend as much before though. She won't like it. Well, bye now!" Sakura said as she gave another congratulatory hug to Gaara. With a smile and farewell, the two best friends headed in opposite directions to their respective classes.

By the stairwell over where the two friends were talking, a pair of eyes that seethed jealousy burned where the mates were talking. Then the eyes left, leaving no trace of its anger.

Sakura closed her locker door. She just got a text from Gaara, saying that he got the girl. She was so happy for him. When she turned around, she saw her enemy, Sasuke Uchiha. He wasn't giving his usual cocky look, accompanied by a smirk, but rather a glare, his eyes filled with anger.

"Who'da get the text from?" Sasuke asked. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Gaara. Why do you care anyways?" Sakura said with annoyance, leaking into her words. It made Sasuke even more infuriated. She tried to push past him, only to be met by his chest.

"You shouldn't do PDA on school grounds, it's against the rules, Sakura," Sasuke said, his voice on the verge of exploding from anger. Sakura stared, confused.

"What the hell are you talking about, Sasuke. I never did PDA on school grounds. Are you loony today or what?" Sasuke couldn't take it anymore.

"GOD DAMN IT SAKURA! I LOVE YOU! DON'T BE WITH THAT.... THAT GUY!" Sasuke yelled. Sakura finally understood what Sasuke meant, and she burst out laughing.

"What? Did you see me and GAARA hugging? He's my best friend! I gave him a congratulatory hug! He was gonna ask out his long time crush. The text he sent told me he succeeded." Sakura said, twirling her hair. Sasuke eyes widened and he looked down.

"Now, that part of loving me. You serious?" Sakura asked. Her face was red and it made Sasuke's heart beat a bit faster. Then he smirked.

"Well, let me prove it." He took her hands and the two walked to the park outside of the school.
Sasuke brought Sakura close, a loving look in his eyes.

"We're not on grounds anymore, so I'll do this." With that, the pair smiled, and kissed long and deep. Sakura ran her hands through Sauskes hair, Sasuke holding Sakura right. After five minutes, they let go and breathed.

"I always thought you hated me, ya know? I was convince I hated you, but I guess it was really love in a different way." Sakura said. Sasuke laughed.

"Well, as they say, boys are always mean to the girls they like." Then he tackled Sakura, and they went into another long kiss.


A SasuSaku picture for you lovely fans!

A SasuSaku picture for you lovely fans!

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Well you know the drill:


-Alica Roux

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