Coffee and First Impressions

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Naruto walked into the café, ready to drink his usual, double cream and double sugar in his coffee with a yummy pastry. Just thinking about his breakfast made his mouth water and his stomach rumble.

"Good morning everyone!" Naruto exclaimed cheerfully. The café, called the Tailed Beast Café and Bakery was like home to him. The staff and the usual morning customers waved and said a happy good morning back. Everyone there knew Naruto as he came almost everyday. Naruto walked up to counter.

"Hey! I think everyone knows you, but not me! I'm new here, so could you recite your order to me?" The cashier cheerfully said. Naruto just stared at her.

The cashier broke into a nervous sweat, wondering why her customer was just looking at her.

"Is everything okay sir?" The cashier politely asked. Naruto shook out of his daze and flushed red.

"Oh, uh, yeah! I'd like a black coffee, nothing else. I mean, thats what I drink everyday, ya know?" Naruto said quickly. The cashier simply smiled and yelled out a black coffee order.

"Hinata, are you sure? Naruto usu-," The other waitress called back before Naruto interrupted her. Naruto panically yelled out that he was right, he wanted black coffee and that was his usual. The waitress gave a smirk. She quickly poured out a black coffee, in which she then gave Hinata. Hinata pushed toward Naruto.

"Here you go sir! That'll be 2.40!" Hinata said as she smiled brightly. Naruto fished out his nicest looking dollar bills and picked out the shiniest coins. Then he gave it to Hinata.

"Wow, sir, your money is very... how should I say this? Clean and neat? That sounds weird!" The cashier chuckled. Naruto gave a nervous laugh, then he took his drink. Looking from the corner of his eye, he chugged the black coffee down. Outside, he looked like he was enjoying it. Inside he was screaming at the awful taste. Hinata gawked at the sight. Naruto finished his coffee and chucked the cup into the garbage like a pro basketball player.

"Ah, nothing like a refreshing cup of black coffee! Really make you energized!" Naruto said as he walked out the door, waving a goodbye. The he practically ran down the street and into the nearest park, spitting out the bitter taste and crying over how awful black coffee was. Also how his longtime crush, Hinata Hyūga worked at his favorite café.

The reason Hinata didn't recognize Naruto was because Naruto watched Hinata from a far distance. After spitting out the last of the bitter remains, he went to a nearby McDonalds, getting a breakfast sandwich which he ate sadly, wishing for a pastry instead.

Meanwhile, back at the café, Hinata was still in shock of how easily Naruto drank black coffee. She hated it and didn't know many people who could stand it.

"Ya know, his real order is double cream, double sugar. Boy, what a bad breakfast! He hates black coffee!" Aika, the other waitress said with a glint in her eye. Hinata realized what that meant and a blush overtook her face.







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