Quick Kiss

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A/N: Play the song whenever. Its long but totally worth it. Isn't it so cute!!!!???? Now on to the story!!!!

Hinata Hyuga's heart was beating fast. Faster then it ever had in her whole life.

Naruto Uzumaki, her best friend/crush fell asleep next to her while they were watching T.V. To distract herself from Naruto's sleeping face, she thought about how this event had happened.

Hinata was very bored. So bored, she was about to cry. Her sister was at a two day sleepover, her cousin  who lived with her family went on a business trip and her father left to a family meeting. Each wouldn't come back until the day after tomorrow. She sent the servants home because she could handle the rest of the afternoon and evening easily by herself. 

She dared herself to call her best friend. Normal people would call their best friend, no problem. But it was a problem for Hinata because well...

She was in love with her best friend for 3 years now. She couldn't explain it, but one day while they were walking home, she stared at Naruto and her heart started to beat faster. Her head filled with thoughts of him. Hinata Hyuga was completely and utterly in love with Naruto Uzumaki and he didn't even know it.

But what else could she do? It was boring being here by herself, and Naruto always made things fun. So she called him. 

"Hey, Naruto!" Hinata's voice wavered the slightest.

"Hey there Hina! Whats up?" Naruto's eccentric voice rang through the phone.

"Oh, I was wondering, wanna come over? No one is home, and I'm kind of bored. I'll make ramen and cinnamon buns too."

"Oh yeah! I'll bring over some movies. Hang on, I'll be there in five minutes!"

"Okay, see you then!"

The phone shut off. Hinata's heart beat a little faster. Naruto came over tons of times and she went to his many as well.. but.. still! Naruto was coming over here! Naruto lived next door to her so it wouldn't be long until he came here.


Hinata ran to the door and swung it open. There was Naruto, a wide smile on his face and a bag full of movies in his hand. Hinata graciously let him in.

Naruto placed the movies on her couch and went to the kitchen. Both worked on their snacks, Naruto on his ramen and Hinata on her cinnamon rolls. Then they brought their snacks and sat on the couch, watching an anime movie. It was their favorite. They put in the DVD of Menma The Last. Naruto loved the movie because of all the action and adventure and Hinata loved the movie because of the romance between Menma and Ina. Ina has been in love with Menma for almost her whole life with Menma being oblivious about it, and in this movie, Menma realizes his feelings for her. She thought it was incredibly romantic. Naruto always scoffed at the romance scenes.

But both agreed Menma was a dunce for not realizing sooner.

They watched the whole movie and Naruto fell asleep right at the end.

And that is the story of why Hinata Hyuga's heart was beating so fast. The ending credits started to play. It was showing Menma and Ina's wedding with a lovely song playing softly.

Hinata gazed at Naruto face. It fell into her lap, which one was making her blush very hard. His face was so handsome. She loved the whisker birthmarks on his cheeks. Hinata lightly traced it. His blond spiky hair was short and neat and she lightly put her hand on it.

Then a thought occurred to Hinata. She closed her eyes, prayed Naruto wouldn't wake up and put a soft small kiss on his cheek. It was a quick kiss, and Naruto didn't even stir. She smiled and sighed in relief, that he didn't wake up and how happy she was just kissing his cheek.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around Hinata's head and pulled her down for a real kiss. One on the lips. Naruto's eyes opened wide after. He lifted his head and looked at Hinata, who was madly blushing. He chuckled.

"I have been waiting since I was 5 years old to kiss you like that. Just like how oblivious Menma was, you never knew I was in love with you. I was just like Ina, who quietly waited for the time to come. I love you!" Naruto exclaimed.

Hinata just stared.

"Umm, I'm sorry! I just wanted to do that so bad. And, well, please don't kill our friendshi-" Naruto stopped because Hinata kissed him back. He was surprised, but leaned in and kissed her back passionately. It went on for five minutes until Hinata broke off and whispered:

"I love you too. Your like Menma too. You didn't know I've loved you for 3 years." Naruto's eyes widened as Hinata giggled. He laughed as well.

"Well, at least I didn't keep you waiting for 17 years!" Naruto exclaimed. They both laughed at his joke.

Then Naruto kissed her again, and didn't stop until the song was over. 










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