Chapter Twenty-Five | Paul

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"Paul, I need you to be calm about this," Darrel said softly, motioning for him to sit down, but he did not.
"You chose him, over me! How do you expect me to be calm?" Paul cried.
"I never saw you in that way Paul."
"Really? So all those times you laughed with me, cried to me...what was all that?"
"You are my best friend Paul."
Darrel tried to grab his hands, but he pulled away and stormed to the other side of the room. Darrel approached him slowly.
"I don't want our friendship to end because of this," Darrel informed.
"It's a bit too late for that," Paul snapped.
"Think back to all of our past memories. Have I ever shown anything more than friendship towards you?"
"Have you ever shown any towards that...that bastard?"
"He's not a bastard."
"He treats me like dirt because my mother is the daughter of a farmer."
"Seb can be a snob but..."
"Oh, he's Seb to you now, is he?"
"I get it!" Paul exclaimed, "I'm just the son of a farmer, and I'm not good enough to marry the future Queen of England."
"Paul," Darrel whispered, "don't do this."
"I hope you two are very happy...your highness."
Paul turned towards the door when Darrel cried out.
"Sebastian's going to help me not be queen!" Darrel informed.
Paul turned around, his mouth wide open, "What?"
"Sit down, and listen."
Paul groaned but went to sit in one of the armchairs. Darrel sat across from him.
"I read about it," Darrel explained, "that if two heirs of two different nations get married, these days, it's more common that one abdicates. If Seb and I get married, then I can abdicate before his majesty dies, and I can go back to how it used to be."
"Are you out of your mind?" Paul gasped.
"No. This is the only way out of this mess."
"Or, you can marry me, and I can support you as you become the best queen that England has ever seen. You don't need perfect Sebastian to solve all your problems. You just need the perfect husband by your"
Darrel stood up.
"You're not listening to me!" Darrel protested, "This has nothing to do with you! It's about me. It's about the fact that I don't want to be the Queen of England."
"My darling, with me by your side, you can be, and will be, the best Queen of England," Paul assured, taking her hands into his.
"Paul, stop," she pleaded, jerking her hands away, "I'm not going to marry you."
"Why not? What does Sebastian have that I don't?"
"Unlike you, he seems to understand that I don't want to inherit the throne."
"Darrel, unlike him, I've known you since we were very young. You are more than capable of being Queen, as long as you have the support that you need. If you pick me as your husband, then, anything will be possible. You will be strong enough to do this," Paul assured.
"You're really not listening to anything I'm saying, are you?" Darrel groaned, "I'm not asking for your advice. I was explaining my actions so that we are able to remain friends."
"You want me to be your friend, after you've betrayed me, and left me with a broken heart? You have played me for years!"
"How? Paul, we're best friends, nothing more!"
"No! You might have seen me as your best friend, but I always saw you as my future wife."
Darrel sighed, sitting back down.
"I am sorry if I mislead you to think that way," Darrel said quietly, "but right now, I need you as my friend. Sebastian and I are going to get married, I will abdicate the throne, that is it, that is all."
"You'll still be the Queen of Spain," Paul reminded.
"It's different."
"Right. Because in that situation, you get to be married to the king of bastards, instead of me. I love you more than I love myself! Whereas all Sebastian cares about is himself!"
"That's not true! He wants me to be happy! He cares about me!"
"So he claims."
"Paul, this is happening whether you like it or not. Can you please, as my friend, support me?"
"No," he replied sharply, "as long as you are planning on marrying that bastard, our friendship is over. I wish you ever happiness your highness. Don't come crying when it all ends in a disaster."
Paul gave her a bow and stormed out of the room as a tear rolled down her cheek. In a minute, Sebastian walked into the room.
"What happened?" Sebastian inquired, rushing to her side.
"Oh Seb," Darrel sobbed, "he doesn't want to be my friend anymore."
"I'm sorry."
Sebastian wrapped her into his arms, and planted a kiss on the top of her head.
"He was my best friend," Darrel wept, "I thought he'd care about me, more than your stupid rivalry."
"It's his loss," Sebastian whispered, "anyone would be a fool to cut you out of their lives."
"Thank you Seb."
"I'll ring for some tea."

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