Chapter Thirty-Two | Prior Engagement

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Sebastian sighed as he motioned for Darrel to sit down. Darrel sat at the end of the bed.
"I will tell you everything," Sebastian informed, "I didn't tell you because I promised her that I wouldn't."
"I won't tell anyone," Darrel assured.
"Her name is Camila Alonso, and she will become a duchess after her mother dies. There was some sort of law case a while ago...girls can get titles in the family..."
"Just keep going."
"Last year, when I was 15, and she was 16, we got engaged. Her mother wanted a good marriage for her, and knew my father when they were young, and I was encouraged to propose to Camila, which I did, to please my father. We lasted about three months, when Camila said that she didn't want this. We didn't love each other, but neither of us wanted to displease our parents. But the pressure was getting to Camila, and she was so afraid of her mother hating her. I offered to tell my father that I caused the breakup. With my track record, he wouldn't be as mad as her mother. Naturally, he was furious...but, Camila kept her reputation."
Darrel sighed.
"Is this the truth?" Darrel said softly.
"Yes, of course," Sebastian nodded, "it wasn't in the papers because they were preparing a ball to announce our sixth month of engagement."
"Would you have married her if she hadn't called it off?"
"Probably. But I would have hated it. I am so much happier with you."
Darrel smiled.
"How did your grandmother find out about this?" Sebastian asked.
"She probably blackmailed someone in Spain," Darrel shrugged.
"You can't tell anyone about this. I swore to her that the details of the engagement would never be revealed."
"Don't worry Seb. Your secret's safe with me."
"Thank you."
Darrel smiled. Sebastian pulled his fiancée towards him and gave her a kiss.

Darrel and Sebastian stayed at Downton for another week, but Sebastian had decided to stay at The Grantham Arms, to avoid upsetting anyone. Darrel had managed to get her parents to forget about the previous engagement, but did not manage to get her grandmother to admit how she had found out about it.

When they arrived back at the Palace, David was waiting for them.
"So nice to have you back. My parents are driving me mad," David sighed. "How'd it go?"
"Sebastian managed to not get punched," Darrel shrugged, "I call that an improvement."
"How are the plans for the ball coming along?" Sebastian inquired.
"The invitations went out a few days ago. It's in two weeks from Saturday."
Darrel groaned, "How many people are coming?"
"All of the English upper class," David replied, "we did invite the Crawleys."
"There will be so many people that I won't know!"
"Then this a good chance to meet them. They will be your people one day."
Darrel let out an exasperated sigh and stormed upstairs to her room.
"It didn't go that smoothly at Downton," Sebastian explained and went up.

"I can't wait for the ball to be over!" Darrel groaned almost two weeks later.
The ball was taking place in three days. Darrel had spent the past week and a half constantly talking about the ball with their majesties, and was getting quite fed up.
"Hang in there," Sebastian shrugged.
"Easy for you to say!" Darrel cried.
"It won't be as bad as you think it will be. I've attended hundreds of these stupid balls. After you do the rounds, find a few people to talk to."
"Except I need to greet each of the guests. What a nightmare."
"I'll be there by your side Darrel. Don't worry."
Darrel glared at him as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Sebastian called.
The door swung open and Wilson walked in and bowed.
"I'm sorry to disturb your highnesses," Wilson informed, "but there is someone here requesting his highness' presence."
"Who?" Darrel inquired.
"Lady Camila Alonso, your highness."
"Thank you Wilson," Sebastian nodded, "where is she?"
"The drawing room sir."
"Have tea brought up to the drawing room."
"Certainly sir."
Wilson bowed and left the room.
"What is she doing here?" Darrel demanded, "Did you invite her?"
"Of course not!" Sebastian cried.
"Well then, we best go see what she wants."
Darrel and Sebastian shared curious looks then left the room.

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