Chapter Thirty-Four | Falling Apart

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Sebastian lunged towards Paul, taking him by the collar, and pushing him against the wall. Paul struggled to break free, but Sebastian was stronger.
"If you ever want to see Darrel outside of prison visiting hours, you will keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" Sebastian threatened.
Paul finally managed to shove Sebastian away, and he threw a punch. Sebastian soon had Paul on the floor in a matter of seconds, with his boot pressing down on his back. Due to the fact that he was the future King of Spain, Sebastian knew how to protect himself since a young age. 
"Seb, get off him," Darrel pleaded.
Sebastian shot Paul a dirty look then backed away. Paul stood up and straightened his jacket.
"Is this want you want Darrel?" Paul scoffed, "To marry a bully?"
"I'd prefer him over a blackmailer," Darrel snapped.
"He's acting out of hate, I am acting out of love."
"He's protecting himself and the people he cares about."
"Oh please..."
Sebastian approached Paul and towered over him, giving him a menacing look.
"I've always hated you Paul, but out of my love for Darrel, I resisted the temptation to rip your head off. But, if you ever cross me again, I will kill you. Understand?" Sebastian threatened.
"Go. To. Hell," Paul snapped and stormed out of the library.
"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked , turning to his fiancée.
Darrel bit her lip and turned to leave. Sebastian let out a groan then followed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sebastian offered, as they walked back to the Palace.
Darrel didn't reply, as a tear rolled down her cheek. Sebastian wrapped an arm around her and planted a kiss on her head.
"He'll calm down at some point," Sebastian assured, "and everything will return to normal."
"No, it won't!" Darrel cried, "Things will never be the same again!"   
Sebastian looked around and signalled for a cab. He helped Darrel in, who was weeping by then.
"Where to sir?" The cab driver asked.
"35 Belgrave Square," Sebastian informed.
"Yes, sir."
Sebastian let out a heavy sigh and turned to his fiancée, who was still crying. He wrapped an arm around her, and let her rest her head on his shoulder. When they arrived at Rosamund's house, Sebastian paid the cab driver, and he climbed out with Darrel.
"Everything's falling apart," Darrel snivelled.
"It's going to be alright," Sebastian promised, as he rang the doorbell.
The door opened to reveal Mead.
"Your highnesses," Mead bowed.
"Is Lady Rosamund in?" Sebastian inquired.
"Yes sir, follow me."

Mead stepped aside and lead the two into the drawing room where Rosamund was reading the paper. Rosamund looked up, shocked.
"Darrel!" Rosamund gasped, "What happened?"
"Everything's ruined!" Darrel sobbed, "Paul hates me for marrying Sebastian, and Papa hates Sebastian. Everything's falling apart."
"Now calm down darling. Sit down."
Darrel took a seat next to her aunt. Rosamund pulled her into a hug.
"What happened?" Rosamund asked, turning towards Sebastian.
"Paul hasn't taken to our engagement very well," Sebastian shrugged, "it distressed her."
"What about Robert?"
"He also isn't very keen on our engagement...or to be more He believes the papers."
Darrel took a deep breath and wiped her tears away.
"Sorry for intruding in on you," Darrel said .   
"You have nothing to apologize for!" Rosamund exclaimed, "You are my niece, and you are welcome anytime."
" it alright if I stay here for a little while? I need some time to think, and I can't think there."
"Of course you may stay here dear. You never need to ask."
"Thank you."
"I'll go collect some of your things from the palace," Sebastian offered.
"No need," Darrel replied, "Aunt Rosamund lets me keep things here."
Sebastian nodded.
"Would you like me to return to the palace?" Sebastian inquired.
Darrel looked down at the floor, her face filled with guilt.
"I don't mind my dear," Sebastian assured, "if you want to be alone to think everything through, I respect that."
"Thank you Seb," Darrel muttered.
Rosamund looked between the two of them then stood up.
"I will inform the cook that it will be two of us for dinner," she announced and left the room.
Sebastian sat down next to Darrel and took her hands into his.
"If you want to reconsider our engagement, I won't be cross," Sebastian informed.
Darrel shook her head, "I still want to marry you Seb...I need to figure everything else out. But to do that, I need to separate myself from everyone involved."
"Of course. Take as long as you need."
"Thank you."
"Call me if you need anything."
"I will...I love you Seb."
Sebastian gave her a weak smile and planted a kiss on her lips. He stood up, bowed and walked out.

Later that day, Rosamund and Darrel were having dinner. Rosamund had decided to send Mead out of the room to give them some space.
"Do you want to talk more about what happened?" Rosamund offered.
"My best friend will never speak to me again, and Papa refuses to support my marriage," Darrel sighed. "I don't know what to do Aunt Rosamund. I usually rely on them for support."
"If you love Sebastian, then you should stick by him. I'm sure Paul and Robert will come around to it sooner or later."
"You don't actually believe that."
Rosamund didn't reply and instead took a sip of wine.
"Paul's in love with me, and he wants nothing to do with me unless I'm single," Darrel explained, "and Papa hates Sebastian."
"Your father wants the best for you," Rosamund shrugged, "he still sees you as his little girl that he needs to protect."
"He should trust me to make my own decisions."
"He does trust you. He doesn't trust Sebastian."
"I know..." Darrel sighed, "I have to figure out how to fix everything."
"Start with Robert," Rosamund suggested, "he'll be easier to turn around."
"What makes you sure about that?"
"Because he wants to support you."
Darrel shrugged, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Aunt Rosamund, thank you for everything."
"Anytime dear," Rosamund said.
Darrel got up and left the room.

That evening, Sebastian was in the Palace's drawing room, pondering about his situation, when the door opened and David entered.
"Your Grace," Sebastian bowed.
"You said that Lady Elizabeth needs a break from all the stress due to the ball," David stated. "But I know that's not true. Why is she at Belgrave Square?"
Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. David walked over to the drink cart and poured them both a glass of scotch.
"Thank you," Sebastian muttered, taking a large sip.
David nodded as he sat down across from Sebastian, "Now, what happened?"
"Lord Grantham did not react well to our engagement, and it was very upsetting for Darrel. Then Master Paul was even more upset about it, and it was too much for her. She needs some space, and some time to think about everything," Sebastian explained.
"Everything? Will she call off your engagement?"
"God, I hope not," Sebastian sighed.
David didn't respond and the two men sat in silence for a few minutes.
"You truly love her," David observed.
"I always have," Sebastian shrugged. "And it took me years for me accept the fact that I was not able to marry the daughter of an Earl..."
Sebastian finished his drink and let out a heavy sigh.
"I love her so much," Sebastian explained, "but I want her to be happy. I would do anything to make her happy...even if that means not marrying her."
"Are you serious?" David gasped.
Sebastian nodded, "She's been off-limits for years, I'm used to seeing her as my friend who I care deeply about."
"At first, I was happy that Elizabeth had chosen someone that our parents approve of. But I'm glad you've found each other. If you end up marrying her, you'll be able to make each other very happy," David nodded.
"I hope so."
David stood up, "Goodnight Sebastian."
"Goodnight Your Highness," Sebastian replied.
David left the room. Sebastian went to the drink cart and poured himself another drink as a tear rolled down his cheek. He'd dreamt of marrying Darrel, but he wasn't sure if this would make her happy or miserable.

Meanwhile, Darrel was in one of the guest bedrooms, with tears streaming down her face. She wanted to marry Sebastian and get away from her duties of being the future Queen of England. But was the marriage worth her being at odds with the most important people in her life?

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