Chapter Thirty-Six | An Olive Branch

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The next day was very busy for the Crawleys as they rushed to get to London so they could attend Darrel's ball the following day.
"Come on everyone!" Robert called, "The car's here to take us to the station."
"Are we going to pick up Granny?" Mary asked, coming down the stairs with Henry.
"Her driver's going to take her, Isobel and Dickie to the station."
"And are we going to have to deal with the American?"
"Don't be rude Mary, she's your grandmother after all," Cora said sternly, entering the hall. "And no, this was too last minute for her."
"Was she even invited?" Tom wondered.
Cora gave her son-in-law an annoyed look.
"I'll make sure all the luggage is ready to go," Tom offered and exited the house.
"I want to go check on the children one last time," Mary informed.
"They're going to be fine," Henry assured.
"Come on."
"Are you getting soft Mary?"
"Oh don't tease me," Mary sighed, and headed upstairs with her husband.
Cora and Robert were left in the hall staring at each other awkwardly.
"I'm glad you changed your mind," Cora nodded.
"I wasn't given much of a choice, was I?" Robert snapped.
"This is the right thing to do."
Robert scowled as Tiaa ran up to him, barking. He bent down and started petting her.
"We can't lose her Robert," Cora reminded.
"We've already lost her," he retorted.
"When we get to London you need to go visit her."
"Are you out of your mind?"
"I want you to go see our daughter, apologize, and then invite her and Sebastian to dine with us tonight."
"Now I know you've completely lost your mind."
"Don't talk to me like that Robert! We cannot lose her, and if you keep behaving the way you are, we certainly will. Now please, do what's best for everyone, and make up with her."
Cora gave him a stern look and swept out of the hall. Robert scowled again and lead his dog out to the car.

A few hours later, Darrel was in her room at Rosamund's house. She was sitting by the window, reading by the natural light. Although she was too preoccupied with everything happening in her life to pay attention to her book.
She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a knocking on the door.
"Come in," she called.
Mead entered the room and sunk into a deep bow.
"I'm sorry to bother her highness, but there is someone in the library who wishes to speak to you," he informed.
"Who is it?" Darrel inquired.
"Lord Grantham."
"I see...thank you Mead."
The butler bowed again and walked out. Darrel set aside her book, stood up, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs.

When Darrel entered the library, she found Robert standing in the centre of the room.
"Lord Grantham," Darrel greeted coldly.
"Darrel," Robert said softly. 
"Look, if you've come to give me another lecture about how I'm throwing my life away if I marry Sebastian, you can spare me. I am happy with my decision, and if you can't see...'
"I came to apologize," Robert informed.
"Oh, I see. Please, sit then."
Robert nodded and sat down on the couch, while Darrel took the armchair across from him.
"I believe that I've reacted to this situation extremely poorly," Robert declared.
"I believe that is an understatement," Darrel snapped.
Robert squirmed in his seat.
"I apologize, that was rude," Darrel said regretfully.
"Darrel, you know that I love you...don't you? And that I care about you?" Robert asked.
"Of course I do."
"I keep thinking that I need to protect you from everything that is happening," he explained. "But, that keeps me from seeing how well you're settling into your new life."
"As you can see, I did run away from their majesties to come here," Darrel shrugged. "So I don't think I'm settling in too well."
"Did their majesties do something?"
"No, but I needed time to think, and it's hard to think there."
Robert did not reply. Darrel interlaced her fingers and placed them on her lap, not knowing what else to do.
"I'm going to stand by you Darrel," Robert declared, "no matter what."
"Really?" Darrel gasped.
"I cannot pretend that I support all your decisions. But, I know that you're a smart girl, and I trust you."
"Thank you Papa."
Darrel got up and went to embrace her father, tears streaming down her face. Robert let out a heavy sigh that he did not realize he was holding in.
"Please don't cry my darling," Robert said softly.
"It's not because I'm sad," Darrel assured. "I'm so happy, because I always want you to be in my corner, and it was killing me that you weren't."
"I'm so sorry that I caused you pain. I never wanted to do that."
"I know. You were only doing what you thought was right."
Robert nodded and planted a kiss on her head.
"When did you get so mature?" Robert asked.
"Well, I'm turning fifteen tomorrow," Darrel reminded.
Robert chuckled.
"Well...I would like to invite you and Sebastian to dine with your mama and I tonight," he offered.
"Will you be nice to him?" Darrel demanded.
"Of course. He is your fiancé, and my future son-in-law. I should get used to him."
"Thank you Papa. This means a lot to me."
"I'll send a car to pick you two up at seven."
"Until then."
They hugged each other one last time, then Robert left the room. Darrel wiped her tears away and went to call her fiancé. 

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