Chapter Fifty-Two | Love & Found

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     "Once we find Darrel, I'm going back to Spain," JF declared after a very awkward dinner with the Royal Family. He got out his flask, took a large sip, then offered it to his cousin, who declined for once. Sebastian decided that he wanted to have a clear head when Darrel returned. He didn't want to delay their inevitable conversation due to his intoxication.
   "You can't!" Sebastian protested, as he sank into an armchair. "I need you here."
   "You do realize that if you manage to abdicate, we may not see each other for a very long time, right?"
   "I know. That's my one regret if I step away; losing you."
   JF gave him a sad nod and patted his cousin on the shoulder. He took a seat next to him and took another swig from the flask.
   "I'll miss you," JF sighed. "But if leaving Spain makes you happy, then I support your decision."
   "Thank you," Sebastian nodded.
   "Have you given any thought about how you'll tell Darrel?"
   "None at all. I love her, and I can't lose her. Yet at the same time, I can't stay in Spain."
   "Well, then the two of you will need to have a mature conversation."
   "I'm not very good at those."
   "I know," JF smirked.
   Sebastian let out a half-hearted chuckle as the phone rang. With a groan, the prince pushed himself out of his chair and went to answer it.
   "¿Hola?" Sebastian greeted.
   JF couldn't help but grin at the fact that Spanish was Sebastian's default language, despite being in London. But his smile faded when he saw the colour drain from his younger cousin's face.
   "I'm coming now. I'll be there as soon as possible," Sebastian informed, as he hung up.
   "Who was that?" JF inquired. "What's happening?"
   "I don't have time to explain. Come on."
   Sebastian hurried out of their sitting room and JF ran after him.

   "Dime que esta pasando," JF ordered as he followed Sebastian through the halls of the Palace. "You're worrying me."
   "Darrel's hurt," Sebastian explained.
   "What? How? Where is she? Who called?"
   "I don't know. The butler at Downton Abbey called."
   "Didn't Their Majesties already call the Crawleys?"
   "I do not know the details!" Sebastian cried, rounding on his cousin. "All I know is that my fiancée's injured, and I need to go help her."
   JF gave him an apologetic nod and said no more. The cousins informed the guards, sent a footman to inform the king, then left for the train station.

   Meanwhile, Allen and Thomas stood outside of the hidden shed. Since the sun had set, and the couple were behind a group of trees, they held hands as they spoke.
   "They will be here shortly," Thomas informed.
   "You responded well to a crisis," Allen smiled. "Thank you...I didn't know what to do."
   "Don't worry, that's what I'm here for. Besides, I've had fifteen years of experience in dealing with Lady Darrel."
   "She's lucky to have you as a friend."
   "I'm the lucky one. For the longest time, she was my only friend."
   "Well, you have two friends now."
   Thomas brought his free hand up and stroked the bodyguards cheek. He then wrapped both hands around the back of Allen's head, pulled him closer to his body and kissed him with passion. Allen grabbed at Thomas' waist and pushed him up against the shed's wall, holding on as if his life depended on it. As they kissed, Allen felt the rest of the world melt away. Nothing else mattered, and no-one else existed. In that moment the only other person on the planet was Thomas Barrow. The two men wished they could stay in that exact place forever, and not have to worry about anything ever again. It was perfect.
   "I. Love. You," Thomas gasped between kisses.
   Allen let go as if Thomas' body burnt him and took a step back. The illusion was gone; the world came back to him. He was a Royal Bodyguard who helped the princess run away, and spent the entire time falling for her butler.
   "I'm sorry," Thomas whispered.
   "Don't be," Allen assured. "I...I never imagined that anyone would ever say those words to me. Especially someone who I share those feelings for."
   Thomas grinned, although it was not noticed due to the shadows. Although he didn't mind since it was rare for him to smile, and he did not want to give Allen the wrong impression.
   "I enjoyed the past day," Thomas said. "Even though it was not an ideal situation, I'm glad that I got to see you."
   "I know," Allen nodded. "This wasn't such a bad idea after all."
   "When will I see you again?"
   "Sooner than you think. Despite Her Highness' promise, the chances of keeping my post after this stunt is slim. So I'll move to Downton to be with you."
   "As much as I love you for saying that...I can't let you give up your position for me."
   "There's nothing we can do. The Prince and the others will be here soon."
   "Excuse me?" Allen gasped.
   "There's a train leaving soon that doesn't go all the way to London," Thomas explained. "Take it anywhere and return tomorrow morning."
   "I can't."
   "I didn't mention you on the phone. No one needs to know that you were here."
   "Thomas, you know that I can't leave Her Highness without protection."
   "You have to go."
   Allen fell silent, unsure of what to say. He knew his duty to the Royal Family, and he wanted to stay with Thomas for as long as possible. Yet at the same time, he loved his job and did not want to lose it..
   "Fine," Allen sighed. "If Her Highness allow me to leave before the others arrive, I will."
   Thomas smiled and planted a quick kiss on the bodyguard's lips. He tried to resume what they had before, but the spark was gone; they were back in reality. Instead they joined hands once more and entered the shed.

Princess Darrel Crawley | A Downton Abbey FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora