Bonus Chapter | Love Letters

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Dear Thomas,

It's only been a day since we last saw each other, and I already miss you.
I don't know if you've heard (Her Highness said she would tell you, but I don't know if she was serious), but I get to keep my job. I wanted to thank you for the letter that you sent to Her Royal Highness; I will be forever grateful for what you did for me.
I also know that you told her about us, and while I know that you trust her, I wish that you hadn't. I don't need the secret getting out, or her to have something over me. Although it's clear that you made a good impression on the princess since she threatened me if I ever hurt you.
I assured her that I would never hurt you, and I plan to keep my word. I have never felt this way for anyone before. You've changed my life and you give my heart a reason to continue beating.
I am counting the days until we meet again.


P.S. If you ever get a chance, please send me some of Mrs. Patmore's food. She is a better cook than the one here at the Palace.

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Dear Allen,

I'm glad that you still have your job, I know how much this means to you.
I am sorry that I didn't ask you first before I told Lady Darrel about us. I couldn't see any other way to convince her to let you stay at the Palace. Please don't worry about blackmail, because I can assure you that she would never do such I thing. I would never trust someone with such a secret if I worried about it becoming a weapon.
I'm glad to know that you have no intention of hurting me, I'm tired of people hurting me. There's something different about you. It's always taken me a long time to warm up to new people, but you were able to break down my walls shortly after we met. Thank you for showing me that I my heart isn't made out of ice, and that it can feel for someone.
I hope that you come to Downton soon, or that I am able to come up to London.

Yours Sincerely,

P.S. I will not send you any food, you will have to come here to get it.

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Dear Thomas,

You dare deny me food? I am already heartbroken after knowing you for a month. I'm joking of course, I would love to come to Downton. Hopefully Her Highness will visit soon enough and bring me along. I guess she will since she knows that you would want to see me. Maybe you telling her our secret wasn't a bad idea after all.
I am already so bored here in London, there is nobody to talk to. All the guards are mad at me, and Benjamin keeps reminding me that I don't deserve to keep my job. Do you think I could get Her Highness to sack him as a favour to me? Or could you ask her? I would owe you forever.
The only good thing about London is that there are more pubs here than at Downton. I'm writing this letter after many drinks so if you can't make too much sense it's because I am drunk.
Have you ever been drunk? It's a nice feeling of warmth, comfort and vomit. Never mind, vomit isn't a feeling. You can feel vomit coming out of your mouth, and you can feel it if you touch it, but it's not an emotion. "I feel vomit" doesn't make too much sense.
I fear that I am rambling now due to being drunk, so I should send this letter before you find me too odd.


P.S. Upon rereading the letter the next morning, I'm embarrassed for what I wrote at the end about vomit. I hope you can forgive me. I want this correspondence to provide you laughter, and if you hold it against me, I will be very cross.

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Dear Allen,
How many drinks did you have before you wrote that letter? You  don't need to respond, I doubt that you remember. It was rather amusing, and it caused me to laugh out loud. Andy heard me from the bathroom and knocked on my door. I told him that I was in the middle of a comedic novel. Since he doesn't know how to read very well, he did not ask any followup questions.
Lady Darrel would not be willing to sack Benjamin, and I am not going to get in the middle of your issues with him. Besides, isn't Benjamin His Majesty's guard? Does she even have the authority to sack him? But I agree that he is very obnoxious and I wanted to punch him while he was at Downton. Although seeing what happened when Lord Grantham punched him, I did not want to  get myself thrown in jail.
I also wish we were together again, since I can't talk to anyone else the same way I can talk to you. I should have let you lose your job, at least then you would be free to visit me. (I am joking of course, I know how important this job is to you).
I need to go now. I'm almost late to ringing the dinner gong, and if I don't then I'll be the one to lose his job.

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