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Harry's Pov:

Today I have a meeting with my grandmother and I am a little worried. She wouldn't tell me what this meeting is about over the phone.

I got up and got dressed and got a bagel was out the door.

I got in my car and drove towards Buckingham palace to meet with Granny.

After a few minutes of walking down hallways and corridors I finally make it to my grandparents place.

I knock on the door and it opens to reveal my granny and Grandpa sitting down for their morning tea.

" Good morning Granny and Grandpa." I tell them kissing their cheeks

" Good morning Harry" my grandpa tells me

" Would you like some tea?" Granny asks me

" Please?" I ask her

Granny pours me a cup of tea and places it in front of me.

" Thank you." I tell Granny

" Your welcome. Now I am guessing you are wondering why I called to meet you today?" Granny asks me

" That has crossed my mind a few times." I tell her truthfully

" Well pack your stuff. You are being deployed to Afghanistan." Granny tells me

" When do I leave for Afghanistan and where in Afghanistan will I be stationed?" I ask Granny

" You deploy in 1 month and you will be stationed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan." Granny tells me

" How long will my deployment be?" I ask Granny

" 7 months." Granny tells me

Granny finishes telling me about my upcoming deployment and then we just start talking.

" I better get going. I have to go grocery shopping and then I have to do the laundry." I tell them

" Alright." Granny tells me

I kiss Granny and Grandpa's cheeks and make my way to the door.

" Harry. I have to tell you one more thing before you leave." Granny tells me

" What is it, Granny?" I ask her

" Good luck soldier." She tells me

" Go kick the Taliban's arse." Grandpa tells me

I laugh and straighten my form and salute my Granny and Grandpa.

After saluting Granny and Grandpa I leave.

After a few minutes of walking I make it to my car and get in and pull out my phone to call William and Pa.

{ 3-way Phone Convo. W/ William, Harry and Charles.}

W, C- Hello, Harry

H- Hello to you both

W- What are you doing right now, Harry?

H- Driving to the grocery store.

C- What is the nature of your call, Harry?

H- I have something important to tell you both but I won't tell you over the phone. Come over to my place around 7: 30 for dinner.

W- Who else is going to be there?

H- Just us 3.

W,C- Alright, We will be there.

H- great. I have to go I am at the grocery store.

W- bye Harry

C- bye Son

{ End Phone Convo.}

I put my baseball cap on and got out of my car and walked into the grocery store.

{ 1 hour later}

After an hour of grocery shopping I got everything I needed and payed for my stuff and left.

I drove back to Kensington and put the groceries away and start the laundry.

After a few hours of doing laundry I am completely finished but I still have time 3 hours until William and Pa show up.

I make a checklist of all the things that I will be taking to Afghanistan with me and go upstairs to make sure I have everything.

After checking 3 times that I have everything I go back downstairs and start dinner.

I go outside to my backyard and fire up the grill and then went back inside and started seasoning the steaks and the potatoes. I wrapped the potatoes in aluminum foil and put the steaks and potatoes on the grill.

I grabbed a beer out of my fridge and sat outside on my patio watching the steaks cook.

After a few minutes I checked my watch and saw that it read 7:28.

" Any minute now." I whisper to myself

After a few seconds I hear a knock on my front door.

I walk to my front door to reveal William and Pa standing there.

" I brought beer." William tells me handing me a case of our favorite beer

" I brought Scotch." Pa tells me

" Thank you both for the booze and for coming over for dinner." I tell them shutting the door behind them

" So what's for dinner?" William asks me

" Steak and potatoes." I tell William

" How did you cook the potatoes?" Pa asks me

" On the grill." I tell him

" Grab yourself a beer and join me on the patio." I tell them

After a few seconds William walks out beer in his hand followed by Pa.

" The steaks and potatoes are done." I tell them taking the steaks and potatoes off the grill and on a pan and carry them inside

We ate our dinner in silence until everyone had finished. William and Pa started talking and I sat silent in my seat trying to find the courage to tell them about my upcoming deployment.

" I have something to tell you both." I tell them finally breaking my silence

" What is it Harry?" William asks me

" I met with Granny this morning and she gave some news." I tell them vaguely

" What was this news?" Pa asks me

" I am being deployed to Afghanistan in 1 month on a 7 month deployment." I tell them finally

" Wow." William says

" I called you both here to get a few things straightened out before I deploy also because I wanted to spend time with you both." I tell them

" What do you to get straightened out?" Pa asks me

" Well, Everything has already been straightened out but I thought I should tell you about it just Incase I don't home. After I was aloud to deploy to Iraq I saw a lawyer and had a will drawn up, William you are my beneficiary and the executor of my will if I don't come home and also if I don't come home there are handwritten letters for everyone in the family including mum's side. They are to be read only if I don't make it back." I tell them

William and Pa got up from their seats and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

After a few minutes of hugging we pulled away and we spent the rest of our night talking.

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