The World Knows.

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William's Pov:

Today is the day the announcement about Harry being in Afghanistan for the next 8 months will be made.

I got out of bed and got dressed and went downstairs and made breakfast for Kate and I.

" Are you ready for the world to know that Harry is in Afghanistan?" Kate asks me

" Not really, but what can I do?" I ask Kate letting out a sigh

" What are you thinking about?" Kate asks me

" Harry. I'm thinking about Harry being out in Afghanistan getting shot at by the Taliban." I tell Kate

" William, Harry is going to be okay. Harry is the best at what he is doing and if he wasn't he wouldn't have been able to be put back out on operations again." Kate tells me

" I know. I'm just worried about him." I tell Kate

" I know you are but everything is going to be okay." Kate tells me

" I just wish that he had been terrible so he wouldn't have been able to deploy." I tell Kate and we both start to laugh

After breakfast Kate and I washed the dishes and we moved into the living room and turned on the Television waiting for the announcement to be made and a news publication to broadcast to the world that Harry is in Afghanistan.

After a little while of waiting the BBC news were the first to broadcast Harry's deployment.

" Buckingham palace and Kensington palace have released statements revealing that Prince Harry or Captain Wales as he known in the British army has been deployed to Afghanistan for an 8 month deployment after just recently finishing his flying courses and qualifying to fly the fearsome attack Apache helicopter."

" Well. I guess the world knows." I tell Kate

" The world knows." Kate tells me

" The press is going to hound me tomorrow." I tell Kate

" Yes. The press is going to be an even bigger pain and they are going to be a little more intrusive then usual but that is to be expected." Kate tells me

" I know. I just that they would leave it alone. It's bad enough that I know that Harry is in Afghanistan putting his life on the line but I really don't feel like being reminded of it at every official event." I tell Kate

" I know." Kate tells me

For the rest of the day we relax. Not spending a second thinking about the press or worrying what story is going to told next about Harry's deployment.

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