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Harry's Pov:

It has been two months since Simon and I crashed. Two months since I was captured and tortured by the Taliban.

After 8 months in the desert I am finally going home.

I hopped out of my bed and slowly got dressed in my army fatigues due to my ribs still not being 100%.

After finishing getting dressed I grabbed my packed bags and made sure that I had everything that I brought with me and walked out of my room and met up with all of the soldiers returning home and after a while of waiting we loaded up onto the plane and started our long journey back home.

{ Many long hours later}

After many hours of traveling we land in England and we all gather our things and we wait impatiently until we can load off the plane.

After a few long minutes of waiting we are allowed to start exiting the plane.

I grab my camouflage backpack and my computer and I start to make my way off of the plane.

I make it to the door of the plane and see the news reporters with their cameras and and paparazzi with their cameras and questions.

I step out of the plane and make my way down the stairs and soon my boots touch the snow covered tarmac and the I walk in the direction of the airport where I will see my family for the first time in 8 months.

Soon I reach the door and pull it open and I am greeted by families loving on their loved ones.

I look around but I don't See William or Pa but I do see someone from my father's staff and my protection officers standing there waiting for me.

" Welcome home ,Sir." My dad's staff member tells me

" Thank you, Donald." I tell him

" Your father and brother wanted to be here themselves but with all of the press and what not they decided against it." Donald tells me

" I understand." I tell Donald truthfully

" Your brother asked me to bring you these." Donald tells me handing me my car keys

" Thank you Donald." I tell him

" Your grandmother wanted me to tell you to stop by after you got back." Donald tells me

" Let me guess? She wants to see me so she knows that I am in one piece especially after what happened two months ago?" I ask him

" She didn't say." Donald tells me

" Alright. Let's go." I tell Donald

I look over to see Liam, Jackson, and Robert already holding my Duffel bags.

We walked out to my car and we placed my bags in the Range Rover that is driven by one of the Protection officers.

" We will drop your stuff off at your house and clear it before we leave." Liam tells me

" Okay." I tell him

I get in my car and started it up and started driving.

After a short drive I arrived at Buckingham palace and put my car in park and pulled keys out of the ignition and started walking the familiar hallways and corridors to Granny's place.

After a while of walking I arrived at Granny's place and I knocked on the door for it to be opened and when it was opened I saw that only Granny, Grandpa, Pa, Camilla, Will and Kate were there.

Granny walked up to me and hugged me softly.

After Granny pulled back from the hug I kissed her cheek.

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