Security Camera Footage

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William's Pov:

Today is the day when Harry and the other soldiers who came home from Afghanistan receive their medals but what Harry doesn't know is that he will also receive the Victoria cross medal.

I woke up this morning and got dressed and ate breakfast and got in my car and I picked up Gran and Grandpa and Pa and Camilla and drove to where the medal ceremony is being held.

We took our seats and waited for a few minutes and then we saw the soldiers marching into position.

My aunt Anne started awarding the medals to the soldiers and she got to Harry. Harry saluted aunt Anne and she placed his medal on his uniform.

One of Harry's commanding officers announced that Harry would receive the Victoria cross medal and Gran would be the one presenting it.

Gran walked over to Harry and he saluted her and Gran placed the medal right next to his Afghanistan medal.

The soldiers turned and started to march back to their barracks where we would meet them.

Gran, Grandpa, Pa, Camilla and I go to my car.

I get in and start driving to where we will meet Harry.

We arrive at the Barracks after a few minutes of driving and walk in and see Harry waiting for us.

After a while of talking with Harry we decided to go home.

We started driving to back to KP with Harry directly behind us.

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at Nottingham cottage and we all get out of the cars and Harry starts to walk to his front door when he suddenly freezes.

Harry turns and runs back to his car and opens the trunk.

Everyone See's Harry strap on his bullet proof vest and as he puts the strap of his ar-15 around his shoulder and puts his pistol in the holster on his hip and grabs several clips.

" William, Get everyone back in your car and drive to Gran's place and call the police." Harry tells me

" Harry, What is going on?" I ask him

" Someone is inside my place. They could be armed and dangerous now get out of here." Harry tells me

" Harry, I can help. I am trained." I tell Harry

" Leave or stay but stay out of the house until I come back out." Harry tells me and starts running tactically towards his place

" The cameras." I tell the family and I to my car and grab the tablet at the holds live video feed from the cameras.

I run back to my family and We all watch in fright as Harry approaches an intruder.

We watch as Harry tactically takes down the intruder and zip ties his hands together and pats him down putting his weapon on the counter.

Harry walks behind the other intruder and chokes him out and zip ties his hands together as well and pats him down placing his weapons on the counter.

Harry swings his ar-15 in front of him and starts quietly clearing rooms.

We watch as Harry reaches his guest room.

" Get on the ground. I am armed and I will shoot." we hear Harry tell the third intruder

Harry walks to the third intruder and zip ties his hands together and pats him down and retrieves his weapons

" Let's go." Harry tells the intruders

Harry leads the third intruder down the stairs where he gets the other two and walks them outside.

Harry sits the three intruders on the steps and he waits until the police come to haul the intruders off to jail.

Harry puts his gear in the trunk of his car and walks over to us.

" Harry, Are you alright?" Granny asks him

" I am fine Granny." Harry tells Gran

"Harry, Are you sure?" Pa asks Harry

" I'm fine." Harry tells Pa

" Harry, You just got home after a 7 month deployment to Afghanistan and you took down three intruders all in the same week." Grandpa tells Harry

" Yes but like I said, I am fine." Harry tells Grandpa

" Were the intruders armed?" I ask Harry already knowing the answer

" Yes. They were armed. The first intruder had a gun, The second intruder had a Knife and the third intruder had a Knife and a gun." Harry tells us

" Harry, You should have let me back you up." I tell Harry

" William, I love you but like I said before you are not trained to do what I just did. If you had gone in as my backup I would've had to worry about you getting yourself killed or worse both of us killed." Harry tells me

" I still could've helped you." I tell Harry defiantly

" Will, I am a trained combat soldier who has seen front line action. What I did in their I did a thousand times while I was deployed." Harry tells us shocking us

" Why didn't you tell us about this While you were in Afghanistan?" Pa asks Harry

" I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry anymore than you already were." Harry tells us

" It was virtually impossible not to worry." Grandpa tells Harry

" I know. Now let's get out of here." Harry tells us

" I'm driving with Harry." Granny tells us

Pa, Grandpa, and I watch as Harry and Granny walk to Harry's car.

Harry being the gentleman he is opened the passenger side door for granny and closes it once she is safely inside the car.

I watch as Harry disappears into his car and watch as my little brother drives away headed in the direction of Buckingham palace.

We arrived at Granny's place to see Harry getting out of his car walking around and opened Granny's door and extended his hand for her.

Once Granny was out of the car Harry shut the door and locked his car.

Harry offered Granny his arm and started towards Gran and Grandpa's place.

We arrived and then ate lunch.

After lunch was over we watched a movie and then Granny turned on the television to watch the weather news.

After the weather news was over a story about the medal ceremony and break-in started playing.

" Today the soldiers returning home from Afghanistan received their Afghanistan medals and this included lieutenant Harry Wales better known as Prince Harry. Prince Harry received his Afghanistan medal from his aunt Princess Anne this morning for his service in Afghanistan for 7 months. Prince Harry also received the Victoria cross medal from his grandmother her Majesty the Queen for going beyond the call for action. But it seems as though Prince Harry hasn't been through enough in the last 7 months he returned home from the medal ceremony to find that his door had been kicked in. Prince Harry suited up and went in alone. Prince Harry took down three armed intruders, It was also Prince Harry who made the citizens arrest. It seems as though a pistol packing warrior Prince's work is never done." The news went to commercial and all eyes went to Harry

" I told you so." Gran tells Harry

" Alright. You were right. I am a war hero." Harry says

" Those are the best three words that anyone has ever said to me. 'you were right'." Gran says making everyone laugh

For the rest of the night we spend it talking and laughing.

I look at Harry and thank God that he came home safely and that he is alive.

I think I will thank God every night for keeping Harry safe and keeping the family from Having to say goodbye to Harry, Keeping me from having to bury my baby brother.

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