Home 2.0

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William's Pov:

Today is the day that Harry comes home after 8 months of being away at war he is finally coming home.

Granny, Grandpa, Pa, Camilla, Kate and I are going to be waiting for him at Granny's place when he gets back.

Unfortunately due to the press Pa and I can't be their to pick him up from the airport but I am just happy that he is home.

Kate and I drive over to Granny's to see Harry's RPO'S and Donald getting ready to take off to get Harry from the airport.

" Donald, Give these to Harry." I tell Donald handing him the keys to Harry's black Audi R8

Soon after they left for the airport and we were left waiting for Harry to arrive.

After 45 minutes of talking and waiting for for Harry to show up there is a knock on the door and we all stand up.

The door is opened by the footmen and I see Harry still dressed in his Army fatigues.

Granny hugs Harry softly and everyone follows after her and the last person left to hug Harry is me.

" William, Come give me a hug." Harry tells me

I walk up to Harry and wrap my arms around him tightly.

" Will, Ribs." I hear Harry get out through gritted teeth and I pull away from the hug searching his body looking for the source of his pain

" William, I'm fine. My ribs are still Broken, Fractured and bruised but I am okay." Harry tells me

" Harry, It has been been two months since you were tortured. Why are they not healed up yet?" Pa asks Harry

" Pa, The Taliban did a number on my ribs so it will take a little longer than normal but I'm okay." Harry tells Pa

" Harry, What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Granny asks Harry

" Depending on what time I leave here I am going to go pay my respects to the widow of Simon Wells." Harry tells Granny

" Are you sure that she would be open to seeing you?" Camilla asks Harry

" After Simon passed and The Taliban captured and tortured me She called and thanked me for making sure that he made it home." Harry tells Camilla

" What do you mean by you made sure that he made it home?" Grandpa asks Harry

" After we crashed I knew that the Taliban would be showing up soon but I also knew that Simon wasn't going to make it so I him to pretend to be dead so that way the Taliban would take me instead of him ,and apparently while everything was going on he wrote his wife and told her what I did so that he would make it back home." Harry tells Grandpa

" Harry, Your a hero." granny tells Harry

" No. I'm not a hero. I did what I had to do to make sure that Simon made it home." Harry tells Granny

" Why doesn't the world know about this?" Grandpa asks Harry

" Because I was branded a war hero after my first deployment and I was okay with that but I don't want the world knowing this because if this gets out there and the public finds out Simons widow will be the center of attention just a few months after losing her husband. Simon's widow already knows where I stand but she also knows that she holds the cards with this. If one day she decides to go public with this that is her decision but I don't want to put her through a media circus so soon after losing her husband. So as far as the public, The public will know until then what is already out there, Simon died during the crash and I was captured and tortured by the Taliban but I was able to free myself." Harry tells Grandpa

" Okay." Granny says

" I was going to ask you how you managed to free yourself. How did you do it?" I ask Harry

" Do you remember for the months and months and months that I was training to be an Apache pilot?" Harry asks me

" Yeah." I tell him

" Almost everyday for 9 months I was interrogated, hooded, Waterboarded anything that you could think of the Taliban doing to get information out of their prisoners I was trained to reject and not respond to." Harry tells me shocking everyone

" How many hours would you be interrogated during training?" Grandpa asks Harry

" Twenty four hours and if they couldn't get anything out of me they would let me go." Harry tells Grandpa

" Why would they do that?" Pa asks Harry a little stunned over his confession

" I signed up for it." Harry tells Pa

" That wasn't your decision to make." Camilla tells Harry making everyone's eyes snap to her

" Yes. It was my decision to make because it's my military career. I signed up for that training just like I signed up for the army and I made both decisions without anyone's help or anyone's input. Camilla, If you want to give me your unneeded and also unwanted opinion on what you think of my career and my decision making about my career then I will listen after you have done the training and have seen two tours of duty both completed successfully but until then unless you have actual experience in this subject and you know what your talking about then keep your opinions to yourself. Now, If you will all excuse me I need to go pay my respects." Harry finishes talking and he stands up and says bye to granny and Grandpa and walks out the door without looking back to see Camilla's face

I watch as Harry walks out of granny and grandpa's place and once he is out of sight I turn to  look at Camilla to see she has a shocked look on her face.

" I don't what his issue is but he was out of line to talk to me like he did." Camilla tells us

"Cut the crap Camilla. Harry had every right to say what he did. You just told him that it wasn't his decision to sign up for the training that saved his life."I tell Camilla

Kate and I stand up and say goodbye to granny and grandpa and walk out of granny's place and go to our car and drive back to kensington and we go home.

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