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Harry's Pov:

It has been 5 months since I deployed and everything has gone very well.

Today I am going an foot patrol but I have a gnawing feeling that something is going to happen but I pushed it aside and put my boots and helmet on and put my kit bag on and grabbed my gun and met up with the other 3 guys and we started our patrol.

A few minutes into our patrol I heard shots and I saw one of my guys go down.

I yelled at the other guys to get to cover and I pulled the man that was hit out of the way.

" The bullet went through and through but the bone is shattered. We need to get you out of here, Arthur." I tell him

" We need to get back back to the base." Arthur tells me

" We have to stay put until dark." I tell him

After a few long hours of waiting it gets dark and we make our move to get back to the base.

" Can you walk?" I ask Arthur

" No." He tells me

I pick Arthur up and put him on my shoulders and swing my gun around just in case I need it.

" Let's move. Dave ,Tommy, Keep your eyes peeled. We are going tactical. If you get hit get yourself to cover." I tell them

" Got it?" I ask them to which they nod their heads

" Let's move." I tell them

After 10 minutes of walking I heard a gunshots and saw Dave go down.

Dave pulled himself to cover and I looked towards him memorizing his position.

I start to run towards the base and after 20 minutes of running we finally make it.

" Get him to the hospital. He was it." I tell Tommy

" Lieutenant Wales, Where are you going?" I hear my commanding officer ask me

" I still have a man out there sir. I am going to go get him." I tell him

" Go get your man soldier." He tells me

" Yes sir." I tell him

I started running towards where I walked in minutes ago. I started running towards where I saw Dave pull himself.

" Harry, Is that you?" I hear Dave whisper

" It's me, Dave. Where are you hit?" I ask him

" The leg. I put a turnakit on my leg after I was shot, I think it severed my artery." He tells me

" Let's get out of here." I tell him

I pick Dave up over my shoulders and carry him back to base.

" Get him to the hospital Now. He was shot in the leg. The bullet might've severed his artery." I tell the first soldier I see

After Dave is taken to the hospital I go back to my barracks and get a shower and change out of my bloody uniform.

After that I go to the kitchen and grab a bite to eat and go back to my barracks and go to bed.

William's Pov:

It has been 5 months since Harry deployed and so far we haven't heard anything.

Every time the phone rings or there is a knock on the door I think it's someone from the army called or came to tell me that my little brother was killed but nothing like that has happened yet.

Tonight Granny is having the entire Wales family over for dinner but it won't be the same with Harry not there.

(A few hours later)

After everyone finished eating their dinner we moved into the living room and started watching Television.

" Prince Harry is in Afghanistan fighting the war on terror. Prince Harry was deployed to Afghanistan 5 months ago on a 7 month deployment as a battlefield forward air controller. Just like any soldier Harry regularly undertakes foot patrols. Today was just like any normal day for Harry but it quickly took a turn for the worst when Harry and 3 other soldiers on foot patrol with lieutenant Wales didn't come back at their normal time. After hours of waiting lieutenant Wales ran onto the base carrying a fellow soldier over his shoulders very soon after that lieutenant Wales left again but showed up once again carrying another injured soldier over his shoulders.  Lieutenant Wales also known as Prince Harry touched on how he felt carrying his fellow brothers in arms to safety. " I did for them what they would do for me.". Lieutenant Wales at this point in time is still scheduled to return home with the rest of his regiment. I'm Kathryn Grier and this is the BBC goodnight."

" He's okay." I tell Pa rubbing his back

" He's okay." Pa says letting out a Breath he didn't know he was holding

" 2 months and he will be home." I tell Pa

After a few more hours I head back to Kensington and go to bed still thinking about Harry in Afghanistan.

After a while finally feel myself drift off ending my evening from hell.

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