Medal Ceremony

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Harry's Pov:

Today is the day when the returning troops that came home from Afghanistan receive their medals.

I got out of bed went downstairs and made myself some breakfast and ate it and went back upstairs and put on my uniform and pulled my boots on.

I grabbed my hat and keys and got in my car and drove towards the barracks where my regiment will March to where the ceremony would take place.

After a little while of waiting we got in formation and started to march. After a few minutes we arrive at the place where the ceremony will take place.

We form 3 lines facing the families and friends of the soldiers and I saw Gran, Grandpa, Pa and William in the front row watching me with Proud eyes.

My aunt Anne started placing our Afghanistan medals on our chests.

She reached me and I saluted her and she placed my medal on my chest.

After a while of waiting all of the Afghanistan medals were awarded to the soldiers who came home from Afghanistan.

" We have 1 more big medal for a soldier who went above and beyond the call for action, Telling his fellow soldiers what to do if they injured, carrying 2 wounded soldiers 2 miles back to base. The recipient of the Victoria cross medal is none other than Lieutenant Harry Wales." The colonel announces

" The medal will be presented to Lieutenant Harry Wales by his grandmother her Majesty, the Queen." The colonel announces again

I watch as Gran stands up and walks towards me.

Gran reaches me and I salute her.

The colonel gives gran the medal and she places it right beside my Afghanistan medal.

The families and friends beam with pride and some tears as they look at us.

After a few minutes of standing their we start to march back to where we started this morning and that is where we will meet our friends and family.

After a short while of waiting I watch as Gran, Grandpa, Pa and William walk into the barracks and slowly make their way towards me.

" How many of you knew that I would be awarded with the Victoria cross medal?" I ask as soon as they make it in front of me

" The entire family, The soldiers who received their Afghanistan medals today and your commanding officers new about it." William tells me

" All 4 you are unbelievable but I love you." I tell hugging them

" Thank you for presenting me with 1 of my medals Gran." I tell Gran

" Your welcome Harry." She tells me

" Let's go home." I tell them

We walk to cars and they climb into William's car and I climb into mine.

I start my car and pull up next to William's window.

" I'll follow you." I tell him

William nods his head and closes his window and I close mine.

William pulls out of the parking lot and I follow him and we start driving in the direction of Kensington palace.

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at Nottingham cottage.

I get out of my car and William and the others follow suit.

I walk up to my front door to see that it had been kicked in.

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