Airport Goodbyes

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William's Pov:

Today is the day that Harry leaves for Afghanistan.

I got up this morning and got dressed in a pair of jeans and I blue button down dress shirt and a pair of black shoes.

I got in my car in my car and drove to Clarence house to pick up Pa and Camilla.

Granny and Grandpa aren't coming to the airport to see Harry off because they told Harry goodbye last night.

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at the airport and we walk towards departures and saw Harry dressed in his uniform with his unit looking every inch a soldier.

We walked over to Harry and hugged him.

" William, Take care of Pa for me while I'm gone." Harry tells me hugging me

" I will. Stay safe." I tell him holding him a little tighter

Pa, Camilla and I spent a while with Harry before his flight was called.

" I'll see you in 7 months." Harry tells me

" See you 7 months, Baby brother." I tell Harry

Harry hugs us 1 last time before picking up his bag and getting in line walking out on the tarmac with his unit.

The families and friends of the soldiers being deployed follow behind them waving goodbye to our loved ones.

We watch as the plane makes its way towards the runway and as the plane takes off for Afghanistan.

Once the plane is out of sight Pa, Camilla and I walk into the airport and head back to my car.

We get in the car and start the drive back to Clarence house.

I dropped Pa and Camilla off at Clarence house and went back to Kensington palace

I already know that it is going to be a long 7 months because I just saw Harry an hour ago and I already miss him and I am already worrying about him.

Even though I know that he will be okay I still can't help but worry. My baby brother is going to war in Afghanistan and he may not come home.

" God please keep him safe. I can't lose him too." I whisper quietly to myself

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