|1| ~The Awakening~

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  The Awakening

I'm the legal property of another creature.

Unfortunately, that's all I will ever be. I'm nothing but a slave, and they do whatever the hell they want to me. It really doesn't bother me at this point. All humans are eventually forced into slavery.

On May 3, 2081, the shadows cast by the moon fully blocked the brightness of the sun, bringing about what we humans now know to be called, the Beginning of the Awakening.

Awakening of what? You might ask, but I'll be more than happy to explain it.

Major cities were the first to fall, followed by everything else in between. Our military stood no chance. They were slaughtered, gutted like pigs, then eliminated. Vampires were killed for sport, and no human being was safe.

On the second day of the war, a national broadcast filmed our world leaders as they were being tortured and drained of their blood, one by one. It was the vampire's way of announcing the Awakening.

Ha, that's funny. Who did they think they were fooling? Those blood-suckers are never asleep if you ask me. They've been in the shadows, patiently waiting for the right time to strike. The video was simply a hoax formed to scare the shit out of the human race, to help them force us into submission. And it worked, obviously. I must admit they are pretty clever. Well, as clever as you're going to get when you're a bloodthirsty monster.

I've watched that video every single miserable day since I turned five years old. Humans were beheaded after receiving hours of countless torture. Most children at that age would believe a live recording like that was a nightmare. Sadly enough that was not the case for me. Their deaths were actually a fairy-tale ending.

When I watched that video for the very first time, I had a realization that death has to be better than living your life in constant suffering, because when you die, you are finally free. You no longer have to feel the pain of being tortured. You're just dead—lost and gone forever.

Anyway, the public massacre of our human world leaders was just the beginning. Trust me, it only got worse. Each continent was claimed by a vampire king, and all of those declarations and rules of human society were long forgotten.

Antarctica, my personal favorite and now known as the Kingdom of Bleeders, was the first to fall. Any human that had been graced with the honor to visit that kingdom would never see the light of day again.

Australia was the second continent that met its end. It is the new birthplace of every human born after the Awakening. Ironically enough, most human girls, except me, pray to go there. Don't ask me why; they just do.

When vampires took over the world, they wanted to crush the ties of human family bonds once and for all. They wanted to make sure that we humans would never experience the feeling of being loved. That included a mother's love of course, but there was only one thing that stood in their way—blood! A vampire needs human blood to survive, at least that much was true. So they had no other choice but to allow humans to procreate, so vampires had to develop a way for humans to reproduce, without understanding the power of love.

Those sadistic pieces of sh*t came up with a perfect system. And for some strange reason, human girls—well, at least the ones that I have met—still believe to this day that it's their best chance for survival.

The Kingdom of Breeders was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to breed. Yup, you heard me right. It's the land of reproduction.

A human male and a human female are assigned to have sexual intercourse with each other until the latter falls pregnant. After the baby is born, vampires rip it out of the mother's arm and exchange them with another breeder family.

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