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Nicklaus POV.
Before The Attack.

Out of a sea of many faces that will gladly end me, my unbeaten heart only drops for one—Claire, my firecracker. She is standing proud and tall in the middle of the crowd. Her shoulders are pulled back. Her head is held high, her chin is pointed towards the air. She shows no fear. You would think this human girl is the true superior. She is the beauty surrounded by beasts. It amazes me.

I'm standing a great distance away, and I can see how many of the wolves, humans, and lycans alike are watching her in awe. They are fascinated by my beloved. Her stance alone screams power. Her etiquette is better than that of the princess and queen of savage beasts placed together.

The lycan queen is even watching her closely. I can tell she is impressed but at the same time threatened by Claire's defiant nature. Every time the queen's cold green eyes lock with my firecracker's—soul-snatching green eyes—, Claire holds her stare with a wicked glare of her own. Whenever the lycan queen raises her beastly eyebrow in response to Claire's actions, my firecracker raises her delicate eyebrow right back at her. She's mocking her. It's extremely entertaining.

If I know anything about the queen of savage beasts, it's that she doesn't like to be challenged, but Claire is the one who challenges even the world's most dangerous predators. Trust me, I know.

Pride beams through me. My queen fears no one or nothing.

"Look at her," says Xander, sounding extremely proud.

"There is nothing else to look at," I reply.

It's true. Claire takes the cake, every time. She's the only person who has ever hooked my sight with one glance; and I have been around for a long time, a very long time. She pierced my soul with one look. Claire has me head over heels in love with her. She's my blessing after centuries of storms. I need her more than I need blood, and that's the only thing that keeps me alive. She is the air invading my lungs.

"What is your command, sire?" asks one of my men.

They have caught up with us hours after we met up with Commander Vlad.

Apparently, the magic of the princess of savage beasts isn't that strong. We have been here for a while, watching their every move. I have seen Claire multiple times since my arrival. I've been watching from the shadows, patiently waiting for the right time to strike.

It doesn't take long to realize that they are preparing for a festival. The dog's queen is back. Of course, they are celebrating. All hail the queen of ticks and fleas. Disgusting mutt. Tonight is the night I'm going to kill that bitch. She's going to be put down once and for all.

Everything has been going according to plan, except for the fact that I almost blew our cover. It was the moment that I saw the dog's beta touching Claire, placing his filthy paws on my beloved's treasured hands. My vision was quickly tainted with red, and the next thing I knew my mind was already crushing his bones with my power. Xander came to save the day, as usual, but not before that feisty and alert beloved of mine made eye contact with me.

She's truly very attentive to be a human, strangely enough.

She didn't react. (I don't think she trusts her intuition.) The wolves standing right beside me weren't even vigilant enough to detect my presence. Stupid mutts! I was right under their noses.

I turn to face the soldier that questioned me.

"Kill them all," I demand. "Spare no one with the exception of my chosen." We still haven't told everyone that Claire is the rightful queen. I only trust a few with that piece of critical information.

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