|80|~The Premonition~

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Claire POV.

Jazlyn grew to be an outspoken woman, who still refused to follow the rules. The other woman envied her and the men were head over hills for her. She was announced as the fairest woman in the village.

She had a free spirit and was stubborn as a mule. Many men, fought for her attention and affection. She fell for one.

He was a tall, strong, and handsome man, who was light on the eyes and smooth with his words.

They spent many passionate nights together. She gave him her mind, body and soul. He gave her his body, but refused to give away his heart. He whispered sweet things inside of her ear, slide into her bed when the village was fast asleep, but returned to his wife bed before sunrise.

Aurora left the village as she reached maturity in hopes of learning who she was and where she came from. During her journey to the past, she discovered her heritage. She learned that she came from a family of powerful women, a coven they call themselves. Aurora discovered that her nightmares were not nightmares at all. In fact, they were visions.

She was gifted with the power of sight, amongst other things.

Many seasons have come and go, the girls continued to grow and venture on. One day, after Aurora mastered her gift of sight. She had a vision of Jazlyn destined tragic ending.

Her good friend would be cursed by a gypsy, as a consequence for sharing a bed with the gypsy husband.

Aurora rushed back to the village. She knew that she couldn't intervene with fate. Fate always won, but she hoped that she could persuade Jazlyn to alter foreseen decisions. She would do everything in her power to guide, persuade, and save Jazlyn. She also knew that the gypsy would be long gone before her arrival. The gypsy knew she was no match for Aurora. She was a coward.

However, Aurora didn't know that the gypsy have foreseen Aurora intentions, which resulted into her carrying out her plans.

She cursed Jazlyn and her offspring for generations to come, long before Aurora arrival.

"I missed you so much," Jazlyn embraced her once dearest friend with open arms.

"I missed you more." Aurora responded, returning the hug. "You have truly become the fairest of all."

Jazlyn giggled at her friend's response. "Come let's go for a swim for old times' sake."

The two girls reminisced over their past, told each other everything that have been going on in their present, and discussed their plans for the future. It didn't take them long to reveal to one another their darkest secrets. Aurora confessed that she was a witch and

Jazlyn confessed that she was having a scandalous affair.

"I denied Alaric request to become his doxy, Aurora," explained Jazlyn. "But I must admit that my heart bleeds for his touch."

"Don't be foolish, Jazlyn," She desperately wanted to foretell Jazlyn her dire fate if she continued down that path. "The fairest maiden in the villages shouldn't settle for the fishwife husband, Jazlyn." Aurora scolded, flashing a smile before jumping into the water.

Jazlyn didn't respond with words. Instead, she played with the pendant around her neck and blankly stared into space. Her electric green eyes spoke a thousand of unspoken words.

Aurora quickly swam back up to the top of the river. Her cat like eyes settled on to the pendant. "How did a farmer's daughter gain possession of such a treasure," she questioned Jazlyn.

"It's my families' most prized possession, passed along for generation to generation," she admitted."

"I see!" Aurora replied. Then, she dived back in.

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