|34|~ The City That Never Sleeps~

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Claire Pov

Right after Nicklaus finished his ruthless attack on my neck, the pilot announced we were landing. We are currently getting off the plane.

I'm met by astonishingly high skyscrapers, a sea of eye-catching lights, and the one, and only green lady with the green torch. We have entered New York City. The Big Apple. The Empire State.

Have you ever wondered why this city is called "the City That Never Sleeps?" Probably not, right? Well, allow me to enlighten you. Vampires don't need to sleep. They can if they want to, but they don't need to. Do you get it? Hmmm, that proves my theory. The leeches are always awake.

The city was once filled with billions of humans from different walks of life. Now, it's filled with millions of vampires who carry their humans on a collar as they walk behind their masters. The city is still as beautiful as it ever was, breathtaking honestly.

I breathe in my first breath of city air. Fog appears. White snowflakes land on top of my head, and my fingers feel like ice cubes.

I was told that New York City is always cold around this time of the year, but I think it is now much colder. I'm not just talking about the fresh air from the winter weather.

We make our way into an airport. I see several other jets land beside ours and vampires in black suits and glasses of the same color, shielding us from other views. I decided to name them "men in black."

They are serious, stone-faced, weapon-carrying vampire men. You wouldn't want to mess with them.

When we step outside, there are already sleek, matte black limos waiting for us.

Men in black (vampires) and black limos. How ironic?!

If the king of vampires travels like this now, I could only imagine how he traveled when humans still lingered around freely.

Inside the airport, we had vampires acting like human servants. They practically bent over backward, doing whatever King Nicklaus directed them to do. Well, he didn't actually direct anyone to do anything. He just looked at one of his men in black, who then looked at the vampire airport workers and instructed them to do things. It was weird.

I have never been out in the vampire society, so I guess it's just weird to me. I don't know. I mean, when you think about a vampire‑infested world, you think about gutted humans pinned to the wall. You think about creatures of the night walking around with faces painted in scarlet, not vampires working human jobs. I just didn't expect them to act so . . . so human.

Anyway, Mr. Meany and his sidekick join us the moment we step out of the airport. They place a coat and umbrella on top of me like they're shielding me from the world. That's another thing that catches me off guard. They are acting like I'm the president's daughter, and they are my security detail.

Weird, weirder, and weirdos! What in the heavens has gotten into these people?

Anywho, we are currently on our way to King Cyrus's penthouse. I overhear the men in black talking about his palace in Canada. It is under consistent attacks, so the ruthless king has been transported here.

Serves the jerk right. Karma is a big bitch. That's exactly what he gets for scaring the life out of me.

The men in black are driving black SUVs in front of us and behind us. There are other limos traveling in between the SUVs as well.

Nicklaus is holding my hand as we travel through the city that never sleeps. No one seems to notice or care that their king is publicly holding his chosen's, human hand.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon