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Claire POV.

I feel a soft hand stroking my face. I know it's him. I can get lost in his touch. Someone says something I don't know who or what, but they are talking about me while the pendant is burning my skin. I try to move my hands around my neck, but I can't move at all. In fact, I can't feel my limbs.

I must be dead! Is this death? It can't be. Am I dead? How did I die?

The arguing and bickering around me grow louder, but I cannot decipher a single word.

Suddenly, the pendant around my neck squeezes tightly, sucking the little air left out of my lungs. I officially feel death knocking on my door. The pendant is taking the life out of me. I feel my soul being ripped out of my body.

In the next moment, I feel him. Nicklaus, my savior, comes to my rescue. His hands feel like fire and ice. His touch is the air to my lungs, bringing me back to life—so hot yet so cold and inviting.

My heart starts to pound. I want him. I need him. I can feel my soul calling to him, screaming and begging for him to take me as his.

Sharp razor blades are plunged into my skin, giving my body, mind, and soul exactly what they want—him.

His lips suck on my raw skin, and sparks of electricity rush straight to my core. Pleasure! His fangs dig deeper, and I moan my climax at its highest peak. My kitty is throbbing, wishing so badly that his sweet and seductive tongue makes its way down there next. His soft lips are devouring me whole. My life force is his to take.

I want more. No, I need more than his touch and his pleasure-filled tongue. I need him all over me, inside me, taming and claiming me for once and all. I belong to him in every single way possible. I'm his light in the darkest room.

I moan louder, and I can feel his sinister side take over completely. This is exactly what I want—him.

The monster's touch is tainted—pulling, dragging my soul. He doesn't disappoint, providing my body with exactly what it wants. His demonic side is devouring my soul, attempting to force it into submission while sucking the light right out of me. It's like black smoke invading a white room, thick and heavy. I can't breathe. I feel every inch of his wickedness inside me.

My body goes into panic as his pleasure turns into pain. It hurts so bad, changing everything. I feel my soul slipping, and the bright and pleasant world is turning dark and dangerous, unsafe and unreal. I feel his presence in and out of me before reality starts to kick in.

Nicklaus is staking his claim, attempting to tame, break, and control me. The temptation is extremely hard to resist. His presence is slowly corrupting my mind, body, and soul. Nooo! My consciousness is screaming, "Don't let him win." He can have my body and live in my heart, but my mind is my own. He must take me as I am.

My soul is marinating with his own. It's a battle between good and evil, wrong and right, dark and light. Only one can win, but I feel different. Our souls are one universe. They must become one. Our souls must coexist.

I refuse to allow him to take my humanity. He is the king, but I am meant to be his queen. We shall rule as one.

The pain becomes unbearable, but no matter what, I'll fight against his dark hold. No pain lasts forever.

The world stops as fire explodes, and ice water freezes hell over. My heart drops as the world is ripped out of my hold. I'll fight to my very last breath.

After what feels like an eternity and a never-ending battle of strength, I feel Nicklaus finally cave in. Our souls entwine, connect, and become one.

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