|68| ~ Say Thank You Princess B**ch ~

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Claire POV.

The men in black open the door for us, and my heart sinks. The very moment we step inside the palace, Nicklaus's mood shifts drastically. Throughout the day he has already been on edge and high alert, but around me he still showed his boyish nature, teasing tactics, and sinfully delighted spirit. Right now, his heavily guarded demeanor and blank stare don't make me feel at ease. If anything, it makes this experience extremely nerve‑wracking.

As if he can read my mind, Nicklaus slips his hand into my own and then squeezes mine reassuringly. That one gesture instantly calms my nerves.

Actions speak louder than words.

The palace is quite busy, humming with all sorts of activities. Human slaves and vampire workers are everywhere, preparing for the arrival of other kings. Just like back at the airport, I can feel them all looking at me, without really looking at me. The difference is they know exactly who I am, except that they wouldn't dare to gossip about it, at least not right now. They will wait until we are not in hearing range so they can begin the talk of the century, I'm sure.

We walk through the massive palace heading in the direction of Nicklaus's chambers. Everything looks the same—if not, better—and exactly how I remember it. The portraits of every single vampire king, with others or alone, still hang on the red-painted walls. The first time I walked through these hallways, I remember thinking to myself that all the vampire kings looked like family in the pictures. Now I know without a doubt that they are certainly family, bonded without question. Hopefully, Nicklaus's claiming me as his beloved will not threaten their brotherhood.

The huge gold lights with rows and rows of diamonds (I now know for sure are called chandeliers) are hanging and dazzling bright above our heads. With every step we take, they seem to sparkle brighter.

The first time that I walked through this grand place, I remember comparing it to a picture out of a fairy-tale story. I remember feeling like this was all a dream. But as we walk past the several kitchens, three libraries, two pools, and numerous other rooms that I'm still unable to identify, I realize that this isn't an imaginary place from a magical story. No, this isn't a fairy‑tale story at all. This is his home, our home.

I know I keep saying that, but it's true. Although, Nicklaus and my story will most likely be compared to a nightmare instead of a fairy tale, a beautifully grand nightmare, that I would never want to awaken from I feel like that girl who lost her glass slipper.

What's her name again? Cinderella, I think.

We both share the same story except that my prince is a king. He would most likely slaughter the entire kingdom to find me instead of having a young maiden try on the shoe. Yes, he is that crazy, and yes, that's one reason why I love him. There's just something about his sinful nature that sparks a fire within my soul.

Nicklaus turns my hands, facing upward. He entwines our fingers together as we get closer to the massive gold door that leads into his bed chambers. We are approached by a formal, stately-looking vampire in an expensive black suit. I don't remember seeing him before. He has fair-blond hair, similar to Vlad's, slicked back and brushed down to a T. His natural crimson eyes remind me of Count Cloven's ruby orbs. His expression is blank.

"Welcome home, Your Majesty," he greets with a bow.

"Grant Harold," Nicklaus acknowledges him, as Grant Harold opens the door.

The strange familiarity that comes with stepping inside Nicklaus's chambers washes over me.

This feels like home.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now