|The Calm After The Storm |

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Claire's POV.
One month later.

"Cannonball," screams Marcellus while hugging his knees tightly into his chest as he jumps into the enormous pool creating a big splash, or should I say a big boom.

"Ugghh! Marcellus, you pig," growls out Jadis while snatching the pair of latest vampire designer shade's off her face that she just had to have.

Then, she leaps up from her towel which she was just tanning on. "I literally just got finished exfoliating my skin. I'm gonna kill you, jerk face," she values before attempting to squirt some of her sunscreens in his direction.

"Sunscreen! Really, babe," laughs Cornelius as he leaps up from the spot that he was sitting at right beside Jadis.  "How about you hit him where it hurts?" he suggests. "Here, take this I'm sure you can find something useful in there," he laughs out harder while handing her the bag full of balls that we use to play pool games.

"Oh, no fair! That's two against one," cries out Marcellus as he begins to tread water. "Claire, bear! Save me from your vindictive bestie and her psychopath boyfriend,"

"My name is Bennett and I ain't in it," I yell out while repositioning my head in a more comfortable position on top of Nicklaus's chest, who's currently working on his laptop as we happily lay stretched out across the lounge chair underneath the shade of the palm tree's, furthest away from the pool. I always hated the heat and now that I'm pregnant with twins.

That makes three of us.

"Awe, come on, Claire," Marcellus is now screaming like a newborn baby as Jadis tries to throw a volleyball in his direction and quite the thrower she is.

Who would have ever thought that Jadis out of all people has such a wicked curveball? Actually, now that I'm paying them more attention why would I ever intervene? It's actually quite entertaining watching Jadis go all Kung Fu Ninja on Marcellus and apparently I'm not the only person that believes so.

I hear Cyrus and Embry snickering from their position on the lounger next to Nicklaus and me. 

Anastasia and Elijah are also chuckling as well.

"Could you please be quiet," Embry's cousin, Celine begins to have a fit as she sits up from the lounge chair that is placed on the other area of the pool, closer towards the kitchen. "Not all of us are immortal vampire's, we wolves need our beauty rest,"

"Then, I suggest you head up to one of the rooms in the house, mine to be more pacific," Seneca states smoothly. He has a thing for her. Well, they have a thing for each other although Celine tries her hardest to hide it. That's why it comes as no surprise when her entire face suddenly light's up and her once pale cheeks all of a sudden shades of tickled in pink.

Out the corner of my eyes, I catch Rufus scrunch up his nose like the grinch that stole Christmas.  Oh, yes! I know all about the grinch.  Nicklaus and I have been spending most of our vacation in bed while watching old human movies and then comparing them to some of the hottest vampire movies that are out now. It's so much fun and extremely educational. In fact, Nicklaus and I have been spending quite of bit alone time during our big family vacation in the Fiji Islands and when I say big, I mean bigger than big.

The whole gang is also here. Starting with my brother Alec, Speck,  all of the vampire kings, and all of my chosen girls. Vlad and his beloved Abigail, Embry's guard Gutter butter, Embry's overly adorable nephew Jenkin's, Nicklaus cousin the Royal adviser Elijah and is sugar-coated sweet beloved by the name of Anastasia, even my new not so cool bodyguard Raphael has also decided to come along. Only, because he too has a crush on Celine.

"How about I escort you on your afternoon run," Raphael says to Celine, making Seneca's face frown up.

Since day one, the three of them have been in a love triangle and I must admit that it is funny as heck.

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