|40| ~Fluent In The Langauge of Idioms~

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Claire POV.

I trip over my own feet as I make my way out the front door. Alec stumbles following after me. His girl also falls flat on her face.

Boom, boom, boom! It's a domino effect. It's about time we made it to the outside of the door

Mecca is in her full-fledged wolf, dark and angry. She is standing by the edge of the forest, growling and snarling. I wouldn't want to be Xander right now—that's for sure—because she looks deadly.

The logical side of me is screaming, "Run, duck, and hide." However, the idiotic side of me (Yes, I have an idiotic side.) Who wants me to intervene. See what I mean? I can be very idiotic.

I use my hands to push myself to my feet and rush to Mecca's side. Her wolf gives me a warning growl as I approach.

"Calm down, little wolf," I say, holding up my hands in surrender.

She snaps her jaws in response.

Oh, shit! The wrong choice of words. Come on, Claire, you can do this. I give myself a little pep talk.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I tell her. Can you calm down, you big and bad wolf?"

Mecca stops growling.

Great, I'm making progress.

"Please," I plead.

She lifts her head up, and I swear Mecca just rolls her eyes in wolf form. What the hell?

I can feel Alec and his girlfriend coming behind me. Mecca's bright yellow eyes shift to them and the growl that she releases makes me want to get the hell out of her way like a coward—one thing that I will never be. I'm the complete opposite of it. I kick balls for a living.

 I laugh in the face of danger, remember? Hahaha

A twig snaps and Mecca's wolf turns its head in the direction of the forest.

Crap, crap, crap. It's about to go down.

Seconds later, Mecca's wolf jumps into the air, only to be smacked down by an enormous, real‑life golden wolf. I'm absolutely stunned as the gold wolf digs its claws into Mecca's side and bites down into her skin. My momentary shock lasts for only a second before my stupidity goes into full effect. I grab the first thing I could get my hands on.

"Get the hell off her, you mutt," I warn, jumping right into action.

"No, Claire!" says Alec, but it's too late.

I smack the golden wolf with a log. Yup, I'm that stupid.

She turns her snout in my direction, growling and snapping her big and scary canines. Of course, my brave and stupid self just has to add fuel to the fire.

"You stupid mutt, stay the hell away from my doggy."

The golden wolf lunges at the same moment I duck, gracefully landing on her four paws.

I rush to Mecca's side. She is back in her human form, howling in pain.

"Mecca! Oh no. No, no, no. This is bad."

Another twig snaps, and the next thing I know we are all surrounded by a pack of snarling wolves. None of them are as big as the golden wolf, but the pitch-black one glaring at me is still scary as fuck.

Alec is standing in front of me protectively like a fool who's in love. It's sort of cute—a human defending another human against a pack of angry dogs.

The black wolf shifts into a human. "Mecca," he calls, running over in our direction.

I throw the log at the wolfman. "Stay the hell away from her!" I holler.

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