|We're coming Pt 2 |~ Exclusive Bonus Chapter~

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Claire POV.
Nicklaus office in media

Xander embraces me without any hesitation.

"Brave one," he says, holding onto my tiny frame as if I will disappear. I'm not complaining because I'm holding onto him tight as well as if he will disappear.

I missed him. So, so much. I was worried that Xander's humanity switch was flipped.

Nicklaus explained to me that when a vampire cuts off their humanity that means that they are cutting off their ability to feel. He advised that vampires can become emotionless creatures, which didn't really much sense to me because in my eyes most vampires are already emotionless creatures but according to Nicklaus I've got no idea how emotionless a vampire can become.

He made it his point to educate me about the emotionless vampire. According to Nicklaus, whenever a vampire has completely shut down their humanity it makes them carefree and remorseless about their actions and impervious to guilt and conscience turning them into remorseless calculating killers.

If you leave it up to Nicklaus, Xander is the King of turning off his emotions.

That's how he inquired the title The Cold Hearted King.

Nicklaus used his and I'm dead serious time when he said that if Xander has flipped the switch that I would be forbidden to see him into he comes back to his sense. "Xander is dangerous and deadly, when he becomes like that, Claire," said Nicklaus.

"You are to stay away from him by any means necessary," he said. Blah! Blah. Blah! Xander would never hurt me, humanity on or humanity off.

I don't care what anyone has to say or think. Xander is a good man. He's my brother. I will never stay away from him. Nicklaus act's like Xander doesn't need anybody. We all need somebody.

Everyone goes through a rough patch, almighty vampires included. I begged Nicklaus to go find Xander.. I argued that we needed our brother and that he need us but Nicklaus downright refused.

His exact words were, "I have way too much stress on my shoulders right now. There is no way I'm going to go hunt down a King, brother or not. Xander will come around when he is ready."

"He always finds his way back home, trust me," advised Nicklaus with that got damn devilish smirk. URG!! I could have strangled him.

I still hate that smirk. Uh! That sexy and sadistic smirk. I couldn't believe him and I couldn't believe that Xander would leave me all alone to deal with him.

Oh, that reminds me. Suddenly, I pick up my foot and ram my knee straight into Xander manhood.

"Ouch," he groans like a little bitch, dropping to his knees and cupping his ding-a-ling.

"Fuck, Claire that hurts," cries Xander.

"Serves you right," I tell him crossing my arms over my chest like a spoiled brat or more like an insubordinate child. "That's how I felt when you left me. How could you do that too me," I ask him. My voice slightly rising.

Yeah, I'm pissed off now. "You left me all because of who my mom is, like I could control that. I can't control that," I tell him, my voice is breaking and now here comes the tears.

I swear these mood swings of mine are going to drive me to the brink of insanity.

" I was worried sick," I admit.. "I thought you was never coming back and that you flipped the switch, or whatever the hell that is."

I pause, trying my hardest to hold back my tears. I'm trying my hardest not to say out loud how I really feel, but I'am who I'am and there is no way that I will ever be able to bite my tongue.

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