|39| ~Bond Understood~

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Claire in Media.

The walk to the cabin is long and cold—freezing ice cold. My feet are frozen solid like little icicles. Mecca has been very attentive to me, watching my every step. She has offered to give me a piggyback ride several times, and I have nicely declined. I'm not a child. I can handle something as simple as hiking in the snow.

We have walked in silence for the most part. Once in a while, I steal a glance at Alec and to see his similar green eyes. I feel bad we keep flirting openly with each other, especially with him having a girlfriend and all. I'm not that type of girl. Alec is smoking hot. Any woman would want him, but I'm not going to be labeled as a slave wrecker. Besides, he doesn't make my soul burn like the one and only Nicklaus does even in this winter weather.

Just one thought about his pantie-melting silver-cerulean eyes is enough to make me feel warm inside. I miss him. I really want to turn around and run back to him. I sound like a fool. I know a human who has waited her entire life to be free only to willingly run back into the arms of her captor. I should be happy that I'm running far, far away. Nicklaus is a monster—a mean, beautiful killing machine. He is wild and reckless. He holds no regard for human life or whatsoever. He is ruthless, barbaric in every way.

Even with all that being said, I still want him more than I want my freedom. I'm infatuated with his monstrous ways. It's sad to say but true. I'm hooked. The vampire king somehow placed his hooks in my soul.

My mind keeps wandering to the hot and steamy kiss we shared. I'm aware that it meant nothing to him, but it was everything to me. No matter how mad I get, I will always remember how our two tongues felt together as one and how his one gentle finger set fire to my skin with one touch. It was amazing. That one affectionate moment together will always outweigh any bad moment we have shared. I'm addicted.

Mecca may have a valid point when she stated I'm brainwashed. I was once a human who despised humans for craving vampires, and now I crave the touch of the king of all vampires.

"We're almost there," says Mecca, as we walk down another frozen hill. "This journey would be a lot quicker if I shifted into my wolf."

"Well, not all of us can shift into a gigantic dog," I tell.

Geez, she doesn't have to keep making us feel bad because we are built to walk on two legs instead of four.

"You're right," she replies. "You humans are not that cool."

Alec and I both roll our eyes. I guess that's also a human thing.

We continue to walk for another ten minutes when a small little cabin comes into view. The first word that comes to my mind is: magical. The stars and the moonlight twinkle and shine down from the night sky. The oak wood and lantern scream, "Welcome." The ground is covered in a blanket of pure white snow, the pine trees surrounding the cabin like soldiers—tall, strong, and firm. It's beautiful.

"I'll go search for dinner," says Mecca. "Make yourselves at home. His girlfriend is still asleep," she announces, sounding amused, then disappears into the woods.

It's obvious Mecca is playing matchmaker. She seems to want Alec and me to hook up.

I choose to ignore her remark and make my way into the cabin when Alec grabs my hand.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

I nod and sit on the little wooden rocking chair instead.

"This place is magical, isn't it? I have never seen a place like this," he states.

"Yes, it is." I agree. "That's the same exact word that came to me."

We sit in silence for a moment before he starts the conversation back up. "So how long have you lived in the kingdom of the king of all kings?"

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now