Chapter 1- Memories-editied

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Nya pov

It had been several months since Chen failed to gain the elemental powers. It had been this day that Kai had left on his journey to find peace within his mind. In the time that had passed. Skylor had proven to be a formidable opponent in battle. I would even go as far as to say that she could hold her own in one on one combat against foes such as Pythor, Kyptor or Kozu. I sighed as I rested, stretched out along my bed in my shared room. Since Skylor had arrive, we had to share a room as staying with one of the boy's wasn't an option and Misako's room was a constant mess with scrolls and history books all over the place. As Jay and Cole shared a room, so did Zane and Kai, buf with Kai away. Zane had the room to himself for the time being. I stared upon the roof of my shared room and started to think. I thought about the others, but I thought about Kai the most. He was my brother and he had been gone for several months, 3 months to be exact. Soon, a voice interrupted my thoughts. The voice belonged to Skylor, it was calming in tone ans cheerful. When she spoke, it was almost like she had read my mind. "You miss him don't you?" I nodded at her statement, she was, there was no doubt about who she was talking about. She was talking about Kai. And I could tell that she missed him as much as I did. "Yeah, he's been gone for 3 months now. And I just don't know how to think about it." Skylor smiled as she made her over to her bed. She then responded, her soothing tone making what she said believable. "Back when Kai worked for Chen. I missed him during the time period that he was with you guys saving Ninjago. Then, when I had heard from one of Chen's men that the forces of the underworld had kidnapped you. I wanted to go and bring comfort to Kai. But Chen wouldn't let me. He said that the time for me to see him again would come." I could tell that she liked him. No, she loved him. And it was clear in the way she spoke and in her tone. I had to find out what she did after being told that she couldn't see Kai. "And what did you do instead?" "I had to comfort myself. Knowing full well that my father was right. I couldn't see him again until the time was right. And then, when that time came. My father had started caring for power more then he did me. And then, I recently discovered that he had always planned to betray Kai after stealing the elemental power of fire. But I'm glad you were there for us. Because if it hadn't been for you and your foresight. Kai might be trapped with a bunch of angry elemental masters in a noodle factory while I would've been left with the quilt of my fathers actions and knowing that I should've seen it coming." I could see the point she was making and she was getting it across in a really good way. I understood her feelings. Her points were matched with her tone. All I could do to acknowledge her statement was to nod. Then Sensei Wu spoke over the intercom of the bounty. His tone was full off worry and fear. "Ninja, hurry, we have an emergency." Getting up fast, I glanced towards Skylor. "Shall we go and see what the problem is?" I nodded, acknowledging her question and run out after her.

As we reached the bridge. The other ninja had already arrived. Wu smiles before turning to face Garmadon who them spoke. "We've just discovered a new threat. Beings made from shadow like mist. While we don't know what they're looking for or after. What we do know is that it can't be good." I glaneced over my shoulder at the others. Jay speaking up, his tone full off sass and mockery. "Shadow mists, like the shadow versions of Kai you used to force the sword of fire to the underworld that one time?" Garmadon eyed Wu before replying. "No master of lightning. They were of destruction, these are from an element that even I don't understand the full nature of. But what we do know is that they won't leave until they have what they're after." Looking at the others, I nod before rushing off to prepare for the coming fight.

Arriving at the scene. The shadow like men ran around terrorising the people. Which didn't seem like searching for things to me. But then again, not everything is as it appears to be at first. The shadow men noticed us shortly afterwards and charged at us. Their weapons ready fr battle.. As we engage, I noticed that our weapons weren't doing any damage to them. They seem to be immune to our weapons and our powers to if I was to be precise. I felt the metal handle of one of their katana. I fell to the ground with a grunt ans cry of pain. I might be tough. But that weapon was aimed towards my head. The same shadow like figure then takes several different forms. Each form fro my own memory. First, it was the form of Samukai before it changes to Chen, and then my mother, Maya, then Kai, and lastly, it changed into my father, Ray, before returning to its basic form. I hears the sound of fire crackling and at first thought it was Kai having returned from his journey. But as the shadow figure stepped back. Skylor walked forward, holding fire. Of course, amber was her elemental power. And she had copied Kai's elemental power. And if the shadows were falling back before fire. Then that meant that Kai was going to have to return sooner then later. Getting up, I watched alongside the others as the shadow figures vanished into the air. Turning to face Skylor, I spoke. Joy was clear in my tone. "I think we just found the reason to bring Kai back. His fire will help us against these shadow like beings." The others nod in agreement to my statement and begin to head back to the bounty. I glanced back at the spot where the shadow figures left and thought for a few seconds. They seemed to scan my memory for something. But whatever it was they were looking for. They never found it. But I do indeed fear that whatever it is that they're looking for, it can't be good for Ninjago.

Wu pov

I turned to face the arriving ninja. They seemed confident and happy at something. But then also fearful at another. "Tell me, did you learn what they were looking for?" When Lloyd shook his head, I knew they didn't discover what is they were looking for. But it seems they did find something else of use which Lloyd then confirmed. "But we did find their weakness. Fire. We need Kai back." It was then that something clicked in my head, speaking fast. I explained. My tone was full of worry and fear. But they already knew that when I called them here earlier. "Of course, shadows of the realm of shadow. the second realm to exist and the sister realm to Ninjago. Home to evils of the Dark lord, the birthplace of the Overlord and the great devourer. The Dark Lord seeks something in Ninjago. But I fear whatever it is that they seek, it can't be good. We must be ready for anything! I will not let yoo all go, I need some to look into what they're after ans help defend Ninjago while the others seach for Kai. Nya, you, Skylor and Zane shall seek out Kai and bring him back. The rest of you, we need to discover what the Dark lord seeks here and stop him before it's too late!" As I do indeed fear that if he seeks out what's left of the Overlord, his troops and pet, then all of Ninjago is at risk....

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