Chapter 6-Plans

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Third person pov

Deep with Ninjago's largest forest. A temple sat. It's age as ancient as the Beastors and Serpentine themselves. The same glyphs decorating its walls as the ninja discovered at the hallway of elements. But this temple wasn't lost to time or abandoned. It was far from it. Inside, the generals of the Ape clan, Mole clan, Cheetah clan and Eagle clan stood around a table, discussing their next move. Metal Ape, the general of the Ape clan held his golden staff of energy tall and proudly. His large right hand gripping the staff for life. The crystal shaped gem at the top was a bright green ball of energy constantly moving inside it's protective casing. Next to him stood Silver Eagle, the general of the Eagle clan. His wings were folded along his backside. His golden shoulder armour shining brightly. His golden staff of ice glimmered brightly with the reflection of the others staffs. The snowflake shaped ice ball at the edge also on a constant move inside its encasing. Over from them, Tungsten Cheetah stood. His four legs helping him to tower over the one next to him. His golden staff of lightning was pulsing brightly also. But it was shaped into that of a lightning bolt. Next to him, stood Iron Mole, the general of the Mole Clan. His smaller golden staff of Earth glimmering brightly as well. The rock like formation on top showing his authority. Metal Ape began the meeting. His voice deep but held high authority over the others. "We need to talk about the ninja and how they've started to learn more about us." Silver Eagle was next to speak. His voice quiet but well heard among the others for his wisdom. "We all knew that it was a matter of time till they discovered our existence." Iron Mole was fast to pipe in. His voice squeaky but high pitched. "If it wasn't for Tungsten Cheetah and his clan, we might still be a mystery to the ninja." Tungsten Cheetah looked down at Iron Mole before he snarled and replied in a fast paced voice. "Well, we were acting on the orders of our supreme overlord Iron Mole, so if you want to take up any problems, take it up with him." Metal Ape looked on before he slammed his staff into the ground, causing Tungsten Cheetah to silence himself. "We knew the risks when we plotted our gran return to Ninjago, but we must not forget the terrible fate that has befallen our kind in the past." A new voice spoke. This voice was filled with pride and higher authority then Metal Ape. A Lion like figure walked out of a doorway. His golden staff of fire lighting up his body as he walked along. The pulsing flame like energy contained within a flames shaped tip. "And we will see to it that the people of Ninjago understand what it is like to be close to extinction Metal Ape." The general bow before him as he comes to a stop. "Yes supreme overlord Bronze Lion." Bronze Lion looked over before he walked around and came to a stop at the spare seat. "We all know what it's like. But we have grown in numbers, we have armies ready to strike. The Ninja will be no problem once the Grand Beast is free and under my command." Metal ape huffs before he replies. "And what if the legends are false supreme overlord, what if the Grand Beast isn't like the legends speak off? What if it has its own agenda? What if it turns on us?" Bronze Lion chuckles before he answers. "You know the legends to be true Metal Ape. I know them well, I was there when it happened, I remember the Great Devourer attacking my village. But that hasn't stopped me from wanting revenge. But we know that it wasn't the serpentine who had forced this onto us. It was the human and their elemental masters. But both of them played a part in our near extinction and now I want them to witness what it's like when they are close to extinction." The generals all nod before Bronze Lion continues. "Now we must shift our focus onto finding the five gold elemental claws so that we may free the Grand Beast from his slumber." The generals nod before Bronze Tiger speaks. "Each of you are the most powerful of you respective clan, thus you are going to bring me one of the claws. Once we have the five elemental claws, we will send Ninjago into ruin, nothing will survive but a handful of serpentine, elemental masters and humans, we will rule the land, keeping them as slaves for our own benefit." Bronze Lion laughs maniacally before the other generals leave. Heading to prep their men for the grand search.

Kai pov

I walked into Nya and Jays workshop. They said they had some new toys for us. As I entered, I spotted a large mech, a motorcycle, a four wheeled vehicle of some kind and others. As I came to a stop. Skylor arrived and walked over. Soon the team was waiting for Nya and Jay to show themselves. Soon, they appeared from behind one of the vehicles. "About time, what was it that you wanted us to see sis?" Nya stares at me before she sighs while walking. When she stops she begins. "Well, as you can see, Jay and I have been working tirelessly for the past few days getting us some new vehicles up and running. So I may as well begin. Kai, we have a new fire mech for you. Equipped with dual turbine engines to help fly as well as a flame cannon and two drones. Skylor, we've built you a motorcycle equipped to go fully of road and engage in some of Ninjagos more rough terrain. Cole, we have a four wheeled armoured car equipped for combat in close quarters. Lloyd, we've built you a fast moving jet plan, equipped with two jet engines and boost as well as a combat mode. Me and Jay have worked on something else for us, We've built a two seated helicopter for us, equipped with a large turbine engine to help stabilize ourselves in the air as well as made sure that it holds enough room for us all to fit inside and to store one small vehicle." Looking at the mech, I smile as I see the flame decals and paint jobs. Two drones as well added support, man this is going to be great. I notice that the mech was designed to be aerodynamic while in flight. With a set of wings coming out of the legs. I guess this was going to be a very useful toy to play with as Jay and Nya call it. "Ninja, the Beastors are attacking Stix." We all turn fast to face Wu who speaks. "Ronin may have accidently gotten hold of one of the six golden elemental claws. We need you lot to go and secure it" I nod as Misako confirms what they might be attacking for and turn before Nya speaks. "Oh, and Kai, we made sure that the mech can house two people as well. The back has a small seat for an extra person as well as storing the spy and collect drone. So yeah, Your going to need to take Skylor as we still to work out a few kinks on her cycle." I nod as Skylor walks over. Looking up, I leap into the cockpit and watch as Skylor gets in the back seat. This was going to be fun, a whole lot of fun....

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