Chapter 4-Reunion

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Kai pov

I watched as the stone warriors ran down the hill. I knew something was wrong. And as the master of fire, and a ninja, I knew I would have to find out what was going on. Stepping forward, I break into a run and leap into the air before I land on the ground, running down. I pass several of the stone warriors before I spy several mole like men. Tech like backpacks with tools on them. Fighting the stone warriors alongside the eagle men. But what caught my eye was the other ninja, Skylor included, Fighting back against the animal men. I watch as Skylor looses her footing, a mole men about to take her out. I do one thing without second thought.

Skylor pov

I watch as my katana falls from my hand, I slip backward. Hitting the ground hard. Looking up, I watch as one of the mole men aims their spear at me. Then, in seconds, a tree branch sends him flying. I watch as Kai lands and then leaps into the air, smashing one of the approaching eagle men away with a bo-staff. He lands and offers his hand to me. Grabbing it, I smile. "So, what do we have here Skylor?" He asks. I look around and then after a few seconds, I smile. "We'll catch you up on the way back to the bounty." He nods and I pick up my katana before we charge back into battle.

Soon, I watch as the mole men and eagle men retreat. Some flying away, others digging into the ground or just running on foot. As we turn back. I watch as Kai waves goodbye to the stone warriors and hands back the bo-staff. He turns and we head back. "So, what was that all about?" He asks again. I look over at Lloyd who nods. "Well Kai, since you've been gone, we encountered shadow men who we thought were the next threat to Ninjago, but after being visited by someone else, we discovered that Pythor had dropped by while we were out, handing Wu a scroll. Wu said that Pythor seemed afraid when he handed the scroll over." Lloyd replied. I looked back at Kai who nodded before he spoke again. "And what was on that scroll." "A prophecy" I reply. "So, what is this prophecy then that you speak off?" Kai asked. I smile and Cole answers. "When the final ninja retreats to find his inner peace. A threat of five beasts will rise to threaten the people of Ninjago, bent on vengeance. The only saviour will be the final ninja." "What we know is that the people of Ninjago include the serpentine as well as our kind, but the final ninja, according to the others, is that of the primary elements of ice, earth, fire and lightning. That being you then. Meaning that you're the saviour that the prophecy speaks off, which is why we travelled out here, to find and bring you back." I sum up. Filling in Kai on the prophecy. He nods before he speaks. "Ok, so if I'm Ninjago's saviour, then what are the five beasts?" "Clans, like the tribes of the serpentine. We faced the Cheetah clan after we discovered the prophecy, and then we I guess, we just fought the Eagle and Mole clan, meaning that there are two more clans to discover and fight. And it seems every clan has a unique feature to them. The Cheetah clan have four legs, the Eagle clan can fly, the Mole clan have tech backpacks. Meaning that whatever two clans are left, are most likely related to either fire, ice or one of the secondary elements." Kai nods and we come to the beginning of a very long hallway. A hallway that seems awfully quiet. Too quiet for me. As we start walking down, I speak. "I'm not the only one who finds this hallway to be too quiet am I?" The others nod and soon. I stop, the others looking at the wall I was. A large series of images was layed out. Describing something or a tale. "Zane, can you translate what these images are attempting to say." "They appear to tell the tale of a large battle between two large beasts. One appears to be a large serpent. While the other is a large beast like monster. It says that once this grand beast roamed the land under the command of the supreme overlord of the Beastors. A race of animal like clans that ruled Ninjago at the same time as the serpentine. It seems that they are as old as the serpentine. It also shows a fragile peace between the two races. But something shattered that peace. It shows five symbols. That of a cheetah, an mole, an eagle, an ape and a lion. Meaning that each of these clans are related to one of the elements of Ninjago. But it shows the lions as the masters of fire, the eagles as ice, the moles as earth, the cheetahs as lightning but the apes remain a mystery. That is all I can translate, the rest is in a language that I do not understand." Explained Zane. "That clears up most of this problem. So then, what element does this ape clan control and what is their status, are they similar to the Anacondrai or are they just some warriors who like a good fight?" Cole asked. "Well, to answer your question Cole, I have taken images of the glyphs shown in this unknown language, perhaps Misako can decipher them for us." Zane replied. "Well, let's get going, this place gives me the creeps." Interrupted Kai. I nod in agreement.

Soon, we reach the bounty and Wu stands out, looking down over us. "Welcome back ninja, you all seem tired from your journey." "No, we're just tired from fighting the mole and eagle clan with the stone warriors who betrayed the Overlord." Replied Jay. His voice seemingly sarcastic at some points. Wu looks down before Zane steps forward. "Where is Misako, we need her expertise to decipher some glyphs we found relating to this Beastor race." "She is held up in her room. Lloyd, please go get your mother, we appear to need her assistance in learning more about this threat." Lloyd nods and heads away, leaving the rest of us to rest for now...

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