Chapter 13-The true master

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Third person pov

He approached slowly. Each step taken with care. Being careful not to fall into the abyss below. His fear of heights was one of the many reasons why he didn't want to travel out here. The long drop below seemed to scream out to him. All he knew was not to look down. As he walked along. He repeated the same saying, don't look down. His sister was ahead by a distance. She had almost reached the other side of the wooden rope bridge. As he approached the mid way point of the bridge. A plank of wood broke off and fell down to the abyss below. The sound of a splash echoing as the plank reached the bottom minutes laters. He gulped as he looked down. The darkness was almost reaching out to him. He could've sworn he heard the darkness talking to him, almost daring him to leap. His fear was slowly starting to come alive. Something he wished didn't. But that was the side effect of having his elemental power. His fears could also become reality. Stepping over the gap. He took a deep breath as he continued along. He wished he knew how to better control his elemental power, but he had no teacher to teach him how.

Soon he reached the other side. Breathing heavily as he muttered something under his breath. His sister holding back a laugh, spoke, her voice filled with love for her twin brother. "You're afraid of heights" she stops as her brother glares at her. Taking note, she finished. "but you managed to cross the abyss of dark water. Well done bro" His glare vanishes as his face expresses hints of joy, but mostly displeasure at having to crossover such a large drop. As they looked around. He noticed something was wrong. The ground was char black, ice was present among the remains of charred bodies, skeletons and the piles of buried people, both serpent and human. With a breath, he spoke. His voice expressing concern and worry at the charred town. "What happened here?"

As they walked further into the village. They noticed the large foot prints spread throughout the town. They were as large as a car with three claw like toes marking which way the creature had left in. The male of the two twins was filled with fear at the thought of something so large causing such destruction. The sight of buildings having been pushed or thrown to the side with what appeared to be little effort along with the trees knocked over helping to confirm these fears.

As the two arrived at the town square. Several voices were heard, along with the sound of large foot steps, it seemed that people were coming. The oldest of the twins, the male looked in the direction of the sounds before he spoke. His voice laced with fear. "Hey, Zor, you don't think that what ever did this might return?" Zor, looking around stopped by his side. The two twins looking the direction of the foot prints. The voices coming from the same direction the heel was facing. Hoping that whoever it was coming, they were friendly.

"Well if my right arm wasn't broken! I might be able to fight better!" Kai exclaimed. His complaints aimed at no one in particular. Jay, replied as fast as his energetic like element let him. "Well maybe next time, think before you act Kai. You know that such powers clashing would result in a blow back. Don't you remember when we first attempted a small triangle with the four golden weapons. That blow back was large! but luckily not enough to hurt us." Garmadon was the first of the group to stop. He spoke, alerting the rest to the twins presence. "I think we may have two bystanders. But the way they dress reminds me of something. Brother, what elements do yellow and pink relate to?" The twins chuckle at Garmadons memory. Zor spoke, her voice soft, answered before Wu did. "Love and fear old timer!" Zor had a smirk as she made her comment. Garmadon responded fast, his voice clearly stating his displeasure at Zors young and rash comment. "Now listen here master of love. I've saved Ninjago from more threats then you can count. The time twins, the preeminent, the serpentine, Chen, the overlord, the golden master, the great devourer." She cuts him off again, remarking her previous statement. "Like I said, old timer" Garmadon sighs in defeat.

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