Chapter 5-Visit

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Lloyd pov

We stood in the command room of the bounty. Misako looking over the glyphs before she finally speaks. "I've deciphered some of the glyphs, but from what I've drawn, it tells what each clan is best at. The lion clan are the most fearsome warriors, the ape clan are the strongest, the eagle clan are capable of flight, the mole clan are master engineers and the cheetah clan are faster then anything we've ever seen. But this last line of glyphs relates to something they call, The Grand Beast. Something which I suspect, is related to the image of The Great Devourer fighting a large beast. What ever this Grand Beast is. I don't know if they seek to unleash it like the serpentine did The Great Devourer or if they seek to free it from a cage or race of people. But from what it looks like. They don't like it at all." We nod before Wu speaks. "We will need to pay a visit to the serpentine to learn more about this race, and perhaps then, they will assist us in defeating this threat, for if the name Beastor is able to strike fear into Pythor, an Anacondrai, the most fearsome serpentine warrior, then they too, are in danger." I nod before turning to face the team. "Serpentine tribes, last time we saw them, the Overlords nindroid army attacked us and they didn't like it." Exclaimed Jay. "He has a point." Added Nya. "Yes, but if this threat is truly as large and able to strike fear into an Anacondrai, then they will no doubt offer any support they can to us. So it's worth a try." I replied.

We stepped down into the sewers and soon, we were at the door to the serpentines underground home. Skales slithering out before he spoke. "Oh, you lot, what do you want this time?" He was almost sarcastic in his remark. "We need some info that you guys are sure to have plenty off" I replied. Skales looked at me before he rolled his eyes and replied. "Well, you can go and visit Mystake or someone else, I heard she's good at providing information to those who need it." Kai steps forward before he speaks. "Listen, we don't have time. What we need is going to come from your kinds mouth Skales, because if Sensei Wu was right, then what threatens Ninjago threatens you" Skales laughs before he answers. "And we'll hid underground, safe from any threat." Kai then smirks and replies. "What is able to strike fear into an Anacondrai? Skales, because if this threat is able to do just that with a single name, then I'm pretty sure you're going to want to spill the beans." Skales eyes widen and he looks at me and the others before he replies. "Follow me then." As we walk along, Skales speaks. "Can we get somewhere private, we don't want to scare the young with a tale and information" I watch as the serpentine move their young out of the way before one of the serpentine elders slither other. "What is it that you wish to learn now Ninja?" He hisses out. "We wish to learn more about the Beastors?" I answered. He looks at me with his eyes wide and then speaks. "You wish to learn more about an extinct race, you have museums for that ninja." Kai then speaks. "For an extinct race, they seem pretty alive to threat Ninjago today" The elder eyes him before he replies. "Very well. Long before the threat of the Golden Master. Back when the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, he created the Beastors at the same time as us. Five clans, each with a different strength. The lion clan, the pride, they are the largest and most fearsome warriors, the ape clan, the smallest but strongest, the eagles, the shyest but flight capable, the cheetah clan, the fastest beastors alive and the mole clan, the engineer experts. They know the underground of Ninjago like the back of their hand. Us serpentine didn't get along well with them but a fragile peace existed between us. That was before the Golden Master's threat arose. We sought to warn you all. But when you failed to believe us, we unleashed the Great Devourer to force you all underground. But what we didn't count on was for it to cause the Beastors to go 'extinct'." Hearing the tale. The elder then speaks. "But if they are in fact, still alive, then that means that they will hold both yours and our kind responsible for their near extinct. In going on to return the favour, they will no doubt unleash the Grand Beast upon us all. Forcing us into near extinction." So the Grand Beast is indeed what they are planning to do. But now we must stop them form doing so. "So what do they need to release the Grand Beast?" Cole asks. "They will need to find and uncover the five golden elemental claws. Forged from a claw from one of the original claws of the Grand Beast. But if they are indeed still alive, then.." the sound of rumbling and the shaking ground cuts him off as several mole clan troops spring out from the ground. "How did they dig through the stone?" I ask. "The mole clan, they can dig through almost anything in Ninjago apart form flesh and blood." I watch as Skales looks at us and then speaks. "What have you brought upon us ninja?" "Us, they were bound to find you sometime soon now weren't they Skales?" Jay snapped back. Shutting Skales up. Skales looks at the them and then speaks. "Defend our homes, defend the young, defend the next generation of serpentine" I look at the mole men and then speak. "Ninja, we need to force them back. We can not allow them to learn why we are here." I watch as the others nod and then charge into action. Kai and Skylor taking the left, Jay and Nya the right, leaving Cole and I to take the center. Zane stand back with the elder. "Do not worry Elder, I will protect you."

Zane pov

I notice the elder look at me before he speaks. "I may be old, but that does not mean I haven't lost my skill ninja" I watch as he takes down a mole troop. I freeze a couple before he smirks and sprays out some acid upon a few. I notice a few Fangpyre serpents moving in upon a group of mole men. Some of the Hypnobrye serpents hypnotising several of them. Then the constricta serpents crushing several with their vice like grip. I move forward, ready to strike, doing so. I freeze several more before I notice them in retreat. They weren't expecting us to be here now were they. As we regroup, Skales slithers over with the elder and speaks. "This has proven that the Beastors are indeed still out there, and it seems they have reproduced to increase their numbers. As such, if you ever need our help in combat against them, we will be here, waiting, but this is the only time we will ever help." The elder hits Skales on the head before he replies. "Remember what our ancestors wanted Skales, they wanted us to work with them in an internal peace, but if we are to completely reach an end goal, we will use this as the start of a new era. Do not let this be the final stand of our kind Skales." He pauses and turns to face us. "We will be here if you ever need to learn things from the past that your sensei can not answer or doesn't know." I nod as Lloyd thanks them....

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