Chapter 3-Journey

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Cole pov

"This stinks. We Wouldn't have to go out searching for Kai if he hadn't left us in the first place." I exclaimed. It was true, he did leave us, but he did have his reasons. Reasons that sensei supported full well. Having down it before himself. I looked over to see Skylor chuckle before she replied. "Well master of complaining, you do know he left to fine his own inner peace right." I raise my hands up and mock her speech before Lloyd elbows me. I quickly yell out. "Hey, what was that for?" Lloyd looks at me before he replies. "You know full well what that was for master of complaining." I narrow my eyes before I reply. "You too Lloyd, is there anyone here who isn't going to call me master of complaining?" I almost regretted asking as soon Nya, Jay and Zane all looked at each other. "Well, judging by the way in which your speech pattern is right now, I would say they have a right to call you that, master of complaining." Zane commented. I groan before we come to a stop. I looked around before my eyes rested upon a single wooded rope bridge. "Are you kidding me, do we have to cross that?" The others passed me. Some of them smirking as they did so. "Unless the master of complaining is too scared to cross a wood rope bridge, then yes." Jay said with a smirk. "Ugh, why did I ever ask!" As we crossed, I noticed the long drop below. How the heck did Kai cross over this, I mean, he had a fear of several things, but I wasn't sure if height was one of them. Soon, we reached the other side and Lloyd spoke. "Didn't sensei say that this place that Kai went to was hard to reach for those who weren't ready to find their inner peace?" I thought back and soon, I realised why he had asked that. I saw several stone warriors. Jay also noticed and then spoke. "Um, shouldn't they have been, you know, with the rest of the Overlords stone army when they were completely destroyed by him?" I noticed them as well before one saw us and motioned towards us. I prepped myself for battle. Holding my scythe close at hand. As soon as they had reached us. I saw the mark of the first spinjitzu master on them. With the tense easing. Lloyd spoke. "What the, you guys bare the mark of the first spinjitzu master, but bare the creation of the Overlord." One of them stepped forward. He had blue face paint with a samurai helmet. "I'm sorry to have caught you off guard spinjitzu master, but not all stone warriors were bent under the command of his helmet. We were the first ones he created, created as a test run without the helmets mental control. Unfortunately for our brothers that followed us, he saw the flaw by letting us have complete mental control over our bodies. But what brings you out to this far side of Ninjago spinjitzu master?" I watch as Lloyd contemplates. "We come looking for a friend who passed this way, red, had spiked hair." "And a fiery temper, yeah, we saw someone like that come through, he went towards that mountain over there, the mountain of peace. But not without a good fight to get to it. We have been placed at the gates here to stop those unworthy or not ready to discover their inner peace from getting in. He had to fight to prove he was worthy, and thus, so must you." I look back at Lloyd before he looks at me. I then step forward. "Um, we're not here to find our inner peace, we just need our friend back because a new threat to Ninjago requires his talents with fire." The warriors look at each other before the sound of bushes moving caught our attention. "What was that sound?" Jay asked. As we looked around, I saw what appeared to be a pile of moving dirt. I look up to see several man sized birds in the sky. One holding a staff much like the cheetah centaurs back at the village. "Are they, some of the other clans that sensei talked about back with the cheetah beasts." I asked, hoping for an answer. "Impossible, they were all killed when the great devourer was unleashed to force the people of Ninjago underground, they're suppose to be extinct" Exclaimed one of the stone warriors. Looking back at the warrior, I reply. "Guess not, and it seems they have either come close to being extinct, or they've hidden themselves well. I'm hoping they're still close to being extinct because I can't handle another snake like event with the unleashing of a giant beast." Soon, the piles of moving earth stop and explode as mole like beings jump up. On their backs were tech like machines with tools. Engineers I guess. "Those are the beings who forced the Cheetah clan back. Grab them for testing!" Ordered one of the mole like men. He held a staff with a rock at the end. A brown rock to be exact. The staff was also gold. I step back, ready for a fight.

Kai pov

I sat atop the bo-staff. Balancing perfectly above the pool of water. The air was calming and the surrounding air peaceful. I found this place a place of beauty. I had found my inner peace. I had come to terms with my place. I was a ninja, the son of Ray and Maya, the brother of Nya, I was the master of fire. I would return to the others soon. Sometime soon would be great, sensei said that evil never rests. And I knew that he was right. He always said things that were true. I watched as the pool of water moved suddenly. Something was wrong. Flipping back, I landed at the edge and turned around to see a tree fall over further down the mountain. I saw flying eagle like men too. Something wasn't right. Looking around, I saw several of the first spinjitzu masters stone warriors charging down the hill, ready for battle, something was definitely wrong....

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