Chapter 2-The Prophecy

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Nya pov

We were setting up to leave fo our search for Kai when we were called to the command room of the bounty. Wu stood there next to a tall person. He had blue eyes. He wore a bright yellow suit of armour  with two katana swords on his back. When he saw me, he smiled and then looked back at Wu. "Sorry to hold you all up, but Agent Poight here has come to tell us that the shadow devils are no threat, they have simply come to reclaim what is theirs and then retreat back to their realm. But Pythor has also passed by and given me this scroll. Something which I believe you will all find interesting. And when he passed it on to me, he himself was afraid." Now I was curious, what was Pythor afraid of that would cause him to go to us for help. "Well, what does the scroll say sensei." Wu opened the scroll and then began. "When the final ninja retreats to find his inner peace. A threat of five beasts will rise to threaten the people of Ninjago, bent on vengeance. The only saviour will be the final ninja." Kai, that was the only ninja we know off that has gone to find his inner peace, but as for him being the final ninja, I doubt that's true, because Skylor was the final ninja to join us, so far. "so what does this have to do with Kai" "That is what you must find out, solve the riddle, and the prophecy of this impending threat will be solved."

Skylor pov

I guess that means we'll have to solve it ourselves then. No help from sensei Wu or Garmadon. Then our journey begins with finding Kai, and hopefully, along the way, we can discover what these five beasts are, if they are five beasts. As soon as we stepped outside. I could already tell that something was amiss. Looking on at the running person, I could see fear in his eyes. As he came to a stop. He spoke. "Help, beast like men attacking village, need help to save village." Looking at the others, Lloyd nods and we ran. Summoning elemental dragons, we arrived fast. What we saw were odd four legged creatures, running around, causing mayhem for the people. One seemed to hold a gold staff with a lightning bolt at the end. Cole stepped forward and spoke. "Are those centaurs and cheetah mixed into one being, or am I seeing things." I hear Jay sigh and reply. "No Cole, your seeing what everyone else is seeing, Cheetah and centaurs combined into a single being, mind they are fast." I watch as one brings down a food stall and is about to harm a small child. Without second thought, I rush in, Sending the cheetah like centaur flying, and drawing the attention of the others while at it. The other ninja look at each other before they rush into action. I look at the one holding the staff and fell as if he was their leader. He watched and soon, he fell back, the cheetah like centaurs behind him. As I regrouped with the others, I wondered what it was and if they were part of this threat. Cole soon spoke. "Hey, doesn't this remind you guys of when the serpentine were first unleashed and how they all teamed up to unleash the great devourer" "You don't mean that we're facing a repeat of that same exact threat, but instead with centaur like beasts?" "No, but you are close master of lightning." Turning around, we see Wu standing there, he had watched the whole battle clearly and knew the threat. "They were the Cheetah clan of the Beastors A race of animal themed clans, each with their own unique skill. They are the fastest. But unlike the serpentine, they cane control the very elements that you do. They can control lightning. Many believed they are extinct, but this attack proves that thought wrong. Whatever they seek now, we can only assume is because of a desire for vengeance against us. But what caused that desire is unknown. I will be visiting the snake tribes to gain more information, for now, go and search for Kai, we need him more then ever." With a nod, I turn to the rest of the team and we all nod in agreement. "Let us begin, Pixel, lock in the location that Wu has given me for Kai.... Good, follow me, this will be a long journey. We just have to hope that Ninjago is fine till we return." I hope so too. Because this threat sounds large already. And I don't like it at all. Not one bit....

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