Chapter 9-Begining the search

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Third person pov

Bronze Lion walked into a dark, dusty cell. Chained to the wall, Garmadon looked up. Unhappy with his current situation. "You won't succeed in unleashing the Grand Beast, the ninja will stop you." Bronze Lion laughs at Garmadon's boldness. "I doubt they'll be a problem much longer, seeing as they know little about us or the true power of our staffs." Replied Bronze Lion, pride in his voice. "You'd be surprised at what they're capable of. We know you won't succeed, the saviour will bring you down before you even get your hands on Ninjago." Remarked Garmadon, his faith in the scrolls unmoved. "And how will they react when they discover that the saviour helped to defend us from the great devour. I remember the flames when the Grand Beast arrived to take us somewhere save from your people. The saviours flames couldn't be put out by a power as great as the great devour. Your faith in him will be misplaced Garmadon, because I know the scrolls well myself, and every scroll has a secret catch to it, one that even you should be wary of." Responds Bronze Lion. Leaving as Garmadon looks down.

As the ninja return to the bounty. Misako walks forward. A scroll in hand. "Misako, what brings you to greet us upon return." Asked Zane. "I've down some digging into the prophecy about this threat, and it seems we've all misread it. As we reach the saviour part, I discovered that the final ninja part was from another line. A line that was almost all but gone, but with some help from the serpentine, I was able to learn what it said." The ninja look on in interest as they follow Misako into the command room. "Well, what is the line that you discovered?" Asked Jay, curious as to what it is. "It says that the saviour will emerge. And he will dawn in flames upon the field." All eyes soon fell upon Kai, he looked at each person before he spoke. "Hey, why're you all looking at me, it didn't explicitly mention me as the saviour. And remember, Skylor can control fire too." Misako then speaks, clearing a few things. "It is true that it mention the identity of the saviour, but Skylor also doesn't control the full power of fire either. She is merely borrowing it. But I must research further if we are to discover the identity of this saviour." A new voice speaks as Sensei Wu walks in. Stroking his bread, he spoke. "When the golden master first rose up, and the serpentine unleashed the great devourer upon our kind and that of the beastors, the grand beast wasn't the only one who came to their rescue. A previous master of fire, one of your great ancestors Kai, fought against the great devourer for a time while the grand beast brought the surviving beastors far from here. I remember my father telling me that he was good friends with this master of fire." Kai looked out the window before turning back and spoke. "So there was a chance that the great devourer recognised my fire." "No, that devourer we fought was one of the offspring. The one the serpentine unleashed was it's mother. Your great ancestor was the one who fought and killed the first devourer, but where the devourer truly came from is still unclear, but it stands to reason that you Kai, are the saviour that the scrolls speak off." Kai looks on as Wu finished explaining things, still not clear on how to process it all.

After sometime, Kai spoke. "So I'm the most important person here then, being the saviour. Shouldn't I be hunting them down, so that they don't claim the final elemental claws." Misako walks over with another scroll. This one much like a map. "I've worked with the serpentine to uncover this map of Ninjago. It shows the locations the six elemental claws. What's interesting is that each one represents two elements. One is for fire and amber, one for creation and destruction, nature and water, ice and energy, lightning and earth, and lastly, metal and speed." Wu nods as steps forward. "Then we will need to separate. Zane, you and Lloyd will secure the elemental claw of ice and energy, Jay and Cole, the claw of lightning and earth, Nya and Skylor will secure the claw of fire and amber, Kai, you and I will be heading for the claw of creation and destruction. Once we have at least one of the claws, then we will need to destroy it for good, the only way I know how lies within the temple of light on the dark island." The ninja nod before separating. Kai walking over to Wu before he speaks. "Why me sensei. You know I work better with Skylor. You placed all the others with an element of theirs apart from Nya and I." Wu replies with wisdom in his voice. "Have you ever wondered why the grass is green? Or why the sky is blue? The answers don't come from others, but from the elements themselves. But the answer as to why you're journeying with me will only come clear once we reach our destination. The resting place of my father." Kai nods as he follows Wu outside. Seeing a submarine ready to take them down to the grave, Mystake standing by the door. "The sub is ready Sensei Wu, I trust you know what you're doing." "These are dark times Mystake, and decisions cane be hard to make in times like this, but we have no choice. Destiny has plans that only we can follow. Much like the gears of a clock." Mystake nods as Kai and Wu board, ready to travel down into the depths of the ocean. Kai unsure about this journey...

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