Chapter 14-The final battle

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Tungsten Cheetah

It was reaching dusk I gathered with the other Beastor lords had gathered once more. This time, it was to discuss what to do after conquering Ninjago. "Perhaps we could build a massive statue in honour of The Grand Beast" Iron Mole might not be as smart as some of the others. But he was still able to come up with several nifty ideas. But this may be one of his worst ideas yet. And I was certain of it. "What if we force the people to demolish their buildings and make room for a grand fortress from where we can stage attacks on the other realms" I nodded at Metal Munch's idea. It was worth a try, but getting to other realms would be a problem. And Bronze Lion might agree. If he didn't already know how to. "That would work well Metal Munch, if we had a way to get to other realms" Bronze Lion eyed Iron Mole for his sudden comment. After glaring at Iron Mole, he spoke. "The Grand Beast is able to traverse the 16 realms at will. But in order for us to do, we would need to build a portal that combines the same elements that The Grand Beast controls." Iron Mole nodded at the idea. It was genius and I figured it would work well. But I still had one question on my mind. "Where is Black Raven?" "He is currently gathering up his clan as they prepare to join The Grand Beast in his attack on New Ninjago City" With a nod. We return to brainstorming.

Third person

Kai balanced atop a staff. It was dark, yet the ninja and their two allies hadn't gone to rest. Kai was discovering more about his family, and more importantly, who his mother was. "You were always after my tea. Yet I always had it hidden well. Then there were times where you would often ask where Garmadon was" Wu was also balanced atop a staff a distance away, the ninja were discussing the major change in Kai since discovering who his father really was. "I don't like the new Kai. He's too... What's the word." Zane was quick to give the word to Jay. "Wise" Jay gets up suddenly and continues "Yeah, he's too wise" Garmadon was then quick to interrupt him. "You may not like his change, but he is the son of Wu, and my nephew. As well as Lloyds cousin. So not everything is as it seems in this world." Cole was quick to speak. He too didn't like the new Kai. "Yeah, but our team feels incomplete without the old Kai" Garmadon walks around. He too knew what it was like with change. "You may not like it. But you must adapt to change. Or you'll never truly master the elemental powers within each one of you."

Kai looked to the sky as he then spoke. "And mother, what off her?" Wu looked down before he spoke. "That is a long story Kai. A story for another time." Kai nodded as he hopped down from his staff. Looking around. He sighs as he walks over to the others. "Hey Kai, you ok?" Kai turned to face Skylor. He nodded before walking on. Coming to a stop, Kai sits down before looking at the fire they had made. The flames flickering in the night breeze. As he watched. He could swear he heard a voice speak out to him. But he passed it off as his imagination. Cole soon stood up. Stretching his back and arms before speaking "I think we should get some rest, we do have a large beast to stop" Everyone nods as they stand up.


I was sleeping lightly as I heard a voice. It was female and caring in tone. But it also sounded distressed. "Kai... Kai... Kai... You are my only hope. Save me". I awoke breathing heavily, sweat rolling down my forehead. I wiped it away as I stood up. Taking a deep breath, I walked out, wondering if that voice was a dream or if it was someone speaking to me directly. After sometime of walking. I stopped by a pool of water. Standing straight. I relaxed as I thought. Who was it that spoke to me in my sleep. "Kai, are you ok?" I was shaken out of my thoughts as I turned to face Skylor. She must've been sleeping lightly too.  "Yeah, just a dream" I hoped it was just a dream. But it seemed that Skylor was too tied to bother diving deeper as she nodded. "Well, get your sleep. We're going to need it." I nod as I watch her walk away. Looking back out over the water. I saw the reflection of a female face. The hair was a brownish red while her eyes were amber. Looking around. I saw no one else around. Looking back, the reflection was gone. Tonight was a strange night.

Waking up the next morning. I was greeted with bright smiling faces as the others prepped their gear for combat. Walking over to Wu. I speak. "How are we going to bring down The Grand Beast with such little force. The Beastors are bound to be after us" Wu turned. His face bright as ever. "We received news from Zor this morning that an old clan of Beastors have joined up with The Grand Beast. If we're going to get you close enough to it. We'll need to distract the Raven clan and direct their attention away from you" I nod as I turn around. Looking out over the distance. I sighed heavily as the events of last night came back to me. Who was that female that spoke to me. And was that reflection hers. She did seem familiar to me though. As the others walked up to me. I spied The Grand Beast and the raven clan moving forward. Knowing what to do. I nodded as the others moved forward.

The raven clan was ready for us when we arrived. As we came to a stop. The others stood around me. Wu and Skylor closer to me then the others. One of the ravens held a golden staff with purple energy inside its tip. His gold armour ranked him as this clans lord. When he spoke. I was reminded of Clouse. "Get them, do not let the master of fire reach our God" Looking on. I noticed the similarities between this raven and Clouse. They both spoke the same. It was then that I realised why Clouse hated me so much. This raven was Clouse. More so Clouse was this raven in disguise. Garmadon was quick to leap into action. Followed by the others. As I move forward. I reached The Grand Beast. I leapt to the side as the large beast swept its tail towards me. Dodging quickly. I noticed that it was staying alert. Moving in faster. I leapt into the air as I used fire to push it back. It seemed to react by using water to douse my flames. Falling to the ground. I get up fast. Not wanting this to be my final fight.

I knew I had to use my chaos powers. But I hadn't used them before and was afraid to use them. But I also wanted to at the same time. i had no idea what they could do. But it seemed The Grand Beast did. So it was the card I would have to play to fight back against it if this fight got close to New Ninjago City. As I stepped back. I heard a scream and yelling as I turned. The sight that greeted me was not one that I wanted to see. Wu, my father, was on the ground, dead. The raven lord was standing  above his body. Feeling rage within myself. I knew what I had to do. I didn't think it would have to take this to find my balance between my two sides. Feeling the power of chaos. I started to raise into the air as a mighty roar was heard. Looking down, I saw an elemental dragon of chaos. The Grand Beast stood back as did the raven clan. The others were surprised at what I had summoned. The flame like energy of chaos radiating off the dragon was something that I didn't expect. But I could feel the power from here. Looking back at The Grand Beast. I urge the dragon forward. The Dragon clashes with The Grand Beast. Even the elemental powers of The Grand Beast seemed no match for an element like this. Within seconds. The Grand Beast's head was torn from its body. I then turned my attention to the raven clan. The lord of the raven clan fleeing before I could reach him.

With this done. I allow the chaos dragon to vanish. Looking back on. I run over to Wu's side before kneeling down. As I grab his hand. He speaks. "My child. Do not grieve over my death for I am now  able to join my father again. But your mother is in danger. Go, save your mother, save Melina." With that. He died in my arms. Looking up. I now know who my mother is and who it was speaking to me last night.

Third person

The Beastor lords all gathered as Black Raven gave the bad news. "The Grand Beast is dead, what do we do now" Bronze Lion looks to the side as he then looks back. "Perhaps we can still get our revenge. All it will require is our best warriors and weapons ready for war." The sound of thunder and then a portal opening up behind them draws their attention as a person dressed in black emerges. His cybernetic eye glowing bright red. Two black katana rest along his back. His purple eye glowing brightly. When he spoke. He spoke with a rough deep voice. "I may be able to help with that" Bronze Lion looks on before he replied. "We will not receive help from one of them" The person spoke. His voice filled with authority. "You don't have a choice in the matter" He smirks as several more step out from the portal. Ready to do what they do best...

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