Chapter 8-Battle in Stix

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Third person pov

Kai piloted his mech forward. Striding towards the mole mech. His right hand forming a fist while his flame shaped cannon arm readied to strike. Increasing his pace. Kai leapt into the air opening his fist as he start to fall downward. Bringing his flame cannon/sword arm back. Kai moves his right hand forward before spinning and slicing. The mole mech brought up its drill arm to block. Taking the brunt of the force, the mole mech stepped back before moving its clawed hand around in a fist, punching Kai from the side. Kai stumbles back as he smirks. "Want to play dirty do you?" He asked, readying his fist, he moves fast, striking the mech, sending it back a few steps before slicing upward at the mechs drill arm. Slicing it clean off, Kai readies to finish the job before a blast disables his mech. Falling to the ground. Kai stares up at the barrel of a large cannon. The mole mech facing down at him. Its large cannon ready to deliver the final blow.

A series of shots knocks the mole mech of its feet. The mole mech now disabled, Kai emerges from the remains of his mech and looks around before speaking. "I'm going to need more practice with that thing." Kai turned as Ronin spoke. "I might be able to help with that, but it'll cost you." Kai narrows his eyes as he leaps to the side, avoiding Metal Ape's staff. "You think saving your life would be payment enough Ronin." Exclaimed Skylor as she ran over to Kai's side, katana in hand. Ronin smirked as he replied. "Perhaps you're right, perhaps I'm being a selfish greedy person who often gets himself into more then he asks for. But seriously, my stores gone" Both Kai and Skylor roll their eyes at Ronins remark for his store. "You had the idea of a traveling store, Jay and Nya can help you upgrade Rex as payment considering that we failed to learn about this threat fast enough." Zane remarked as he arrived. Kai was about to speak when the sound of a vehicle flying overhead caught their attention. Looking up, the group spy a eagle designed helicopter hovering above. On the inside cargo hold, Garmadon was held, Silver Eagle stood, holding his staff behind him, holding the golden claw. As the group look up, Metal Ape leaps up to board before he smirks. "I think we've got what we came here for, and with a bonus. Lord Garmadon here will ensure that we get away safely." Metal Ape comments as the eagle copter takes off. The ninja watching as Lloyd lands and runs over to the others. "What do we do now, there are only five golden elemental claws left. But each one must be tied to an element." Lloyd exclaimed. "I believe that each claw is tied to an element that this Grand Beast has control over, and considering that Ronin brought it here, We must ask where he found it." The ninja look at Ronin before he smiles nervously. "You want to know where I found it, well, I found it nearby, just off the sure, it seems that the plants in the water were spawned from it as they were defending it." Nya walks over before she spoke. The secondary element of water, that claw was for water. ,meaning that, I reckon the others are for fire, ice, earth, lightning and either energy or amber, but most likely energy if we go by the staff that Metal Ape was holding." The others nod before Kai speaks. "So they're be in a place relating to their element, meaning that the fire temple or some volcano will be for fire, an icy cold place for ice, a high but very electric place for lightning, earth is in the ground, meaning that energy is somewhere that only a master of energy will find it." The team nod as they turn to clean up.

Bronze Lion walks towards the temples landing platform. Behind him was a troop of his clans men. Each ranked as a warrior. Bronze Lion came to a stop as Silver Eagle presented the Golden Claw. "Excellent work, with the golden elemental claw of nature and water now ours, we have to find the remaining the five claws, those of lightning and earth, ice and energy, fire and amber, metal and speed, and lastly, creation and destruction." Bronze Lion laughs as he grabs the claw and walks away. The Grand Beast will be unleashed sooner rather then later....

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