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I watch Deaton clear his things off the bench as Stiles, Scott, and Lydia had rushed inside. My hair was damp, as it's raining outside, unfortunately. I bit on my lower lip, as I watch Scott slowly put down young Derek on the table. 

Stiles had quickly stood by me, wrapping an arm around me, just this simple touch made me warm. "Wow," Deaton spoke, he looked like he had seen a ghost. I lean on Stiles was support. 

"Wow?" Stiles asked. "Wow as in, I've seen this before and I know excatly what to do kind, kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we're hoping for." 

"I think you might be overestimating my abilities," Deaton told us. Lydia had then grabbed Derek's hand. 

"He's cold." Lydia looked at Deaton. "Really cold." 

Deaton touched Derek's hand. "Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked, looking at Deaton. I've thought it once, and I'm gonna think it again, how the hell are we suppose to turn 17 or 15- I don't really know his age, into an old one again? I think he was 25 the last time I saw him. 

Deaton had looked into Derek's eyes, lifting them with a finger, with a torch. "I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate," Deaton told us. Great. "This well beyond my experience." 

"So what do we do with him?" I asked. Kick him to the curve? 

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much." Great, vacation time. "It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here." 

 "You mean from Kate?" Stiles asked. 

"If she's alive and she is what you say she is, he won't be able to walk past that gate." Deaton explained to us. 

"Why would she want to do this to him?" I asked softly, staring at Derek's baby face. 

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason it won't be any good for anyone but her." Deaton answers, which makes sense. 

Stiles scoffed. "And bad for everyone else." 

"You guys should probably go home." Deaton dismissed us. No way, I'm staying here. I looked at Deaton. "He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night. And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again." 

"Someone should stay with you." Scott told him. 

"I'll stay," I offered, smiling. Scott looked at me. "My grades are fine. Despite missing a few classes." 

"I'm so not okay with this." Stiles annouced, and I cranked my head up to him. 

"Guys, go." I urge. 

"No." Stiles argued back. 

"Text us if anything happens." Scott told me, and I smiled. I turned to Stiles with puppy eyes. 

"Nope, still not okay with this." Stiles disagreed. Lydia followed Scott as he grabbed Stiles' arm. I rolled my eyes. "Not going anywhere," Stiles demanded, but Scott grabbed him and dragged him pretty much. Lydia was already out. "All right. Just cause you're stronger..." 

I then stepped forward, and I take Derek's hand, who seemed to grip onto it making me smile. 

I woke up slowly, my eyes lids fluttering open. It was morning. Huh, since when did that happen? I was sitting on a chair... I slept on this? I rub my eyes and watched as Deaton checking Derek's temperature or something. "How's he doing?" I asked in my morning voice. 

"His heart rate is alarmingly high." Deaton warned me, I frown. What? I then got up and I walked over to Deaton. I touch Derek's skin, he warm. 

"He's a lot warmer now." I inform. 

"Stacey," Deaton turns to me. "I'm going to to try something. I want you to keep holding his hand, if that's okay," I nod my head, and I laced my hands with young Derek's. Derek looked like he was asleep. 

Deaton then holds up a small blade, and carefully, he cuts some of his arms, as he cuts Derek's arm, it heals straight away. "That looks like it healed really fast." I pointed out. 

"Unusually fast." Deaton agreed. 

"What does it mean?" I asked, slightly worried. 

Deaton shakes his head. "I'm not sure. Lets try something else. Grab me a five-milliliter syringe. Top draw." He points to where it could be, I nod and I walk towards it. I walked over to the draw and he walks elsewhere, grabbing something else. 

Digging through the top draw, I grabbed a five-milliliter syringe, and I smiled. I held it up. "This it?" That's when I hear an exhale and my eyes widen as we turned around. There was Derek, sitting on the bench, with his claws out, looking angry. "Derek."

"Derek?" Deaton called, and Derek had stood up. 

"Derek, are you all right?" I asked softly, and he looked up at us, flashing his bright blue eyes at us. "Derek..." 

"Are you all right, Derek?" Deaton tried again, trying to get the young boys attention. Deaton, protectively, raised an arm up in front of me as slowly back up. "Wait. Can you hear me? You're safe." 

"Derek?" I asked. "Derek." That's when Derek had swung a fist towards me, but Deaton had jumped in the way and got hit instead and my eyes widen, as I stumble back a little, watching Deaton fly to the floor. "Oh, my god!" I quickly got on the ground, and I slowly picked up Deaton, and before I knew it, Derek was out free. 

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