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Quickly, Stiles and I walked down the hallways, trying to find Liam at school. We need to talk to him. Scott's finding him as well. Stiles had picked up the pace, and I followed him, and he soon skidded to a stop and down the hallways was Liam and Scott trailed up behind him. Perfect, Liam's trapped. 

"Liam, hey!" Stiles called, grabbing my hand and running towards him, Scott approached Liam. 

"We need to talk." Scott told Liam, in a much calmer voice. 

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? The three of you." Liam demanded, and I nodded, understanding. I took a step back. 

"Can you just listen for one second?" Scott pleaded his new, possible, beta. Liam nodded, letting us continue. "Liam... we're brothers now." I cringe. Don't tell me he's gonna use the Derek speech. He's gonna do it. I facepalmed and Liam looked downright confused.  

"What?" Liam asked. 

"Oh, god. That's..." Stiles trailed off, Liam turned his head, and then turned back to Scott. 

"What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me." Liam informed us. 

"The bite... the bite is a gift." Scott tried again. Oh, my god. Stiles and I looked at each other; with wide eyes. 

"Scott, stop. Please stop." I begged him. Stiles walked over to Scott, standing next to him now.

 "You... you, we're trying to help you, you little runt." Stiles hissed at Liam, taking control.

"By kidnapping me?" 

I cringe again. "Yeah, that was a little stupid, guys..." I mumble. 

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you." Stiles informed Liam. "Okay? Me and Stacey aided and abetted." 

"Liam, I've gone through this before." Scott told Liam. "Something's happening to you. Something big." 

Liam shakes his head. "Nothing's happening to me." Liam told us. He then ripped off his bandage, and from what I can see, there's nothing there. "Nothing." Liam then turned around, and walked past me, bumping shoulders with my a bit too harshly and I groaned, holding my shoulder.

I stumble back a little and took a deep breath, okay, pains is gone. I look over at Stiles' who was already looking at me, and I looked down, realizing what Liam had just shown us. 

Did this mean he was a werewolf now?

"I'm not sharing my basement," Malia told us, as me, Scott, Kira, Stiles, Lydia, and Malia stand in between buses to have a private chat on what we're gonna about Liam on Friday when the full moon comes along.  

Stiles and I stand next to each other, his arm around my shoulder and with that arm, his hands are laced in with his. Malia stands next to me, Scott and Kira opposite Stiles and I and Lydia opposite Malia. 

"Actually, it's my basement." Lydia reminded Malia. "And my mum noticed how you tore it up last time." 

"All right, she's still learning." I defended Malia. 

"But we're gonna use the boathouse for Liam." Scott informed us. "It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them." 

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asked. 

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard a throw him in the lake." Stiles informed us, I'm guessing he's used a star wars reference or something. 

"I'm in." Malia raised a hand and I glared over at Stiles. 

"Malia, we've talked about this." I told her, raising an eyebrow. "Who do we not listen to?" 

She lowered her eye level to the ground. "Stiles." 

"And who do we listen to?" 

"You." She smiled at me. I smiled back. Atta girl. I could feel Stiles' glare on me, so, I looked up at him and saw him squinting his eyes at me. 

"I hate you." He mumbled, I let out a laugh. 

"You love me." 

"We're not killing or kidnapping anyone." Scott quickly cuts us off from out banter. 

"Then let's be smarter," Lydia said. "We tell him there's a party and invite him." 

"So, you're gonna ask out a freshman?" Stiles asked Lydia. 

"No, I'm done with teenage boys." Lydia sighed, then turned her head to Kira. "But, if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll use the trickster." 

"Who? Me? No way," Kira said innocently. "Not me." 

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