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"Of course you're still the team captain," Stiles reassured Scott as I walk in between them the next morning towards the lacrosse field. "You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" 

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team." Scott worries and I rolled my eyes. "He just told me I had to show up at tryouts today," 

"We got bigger things to deal with anyways." Stiles reminded him. I laced our fingers together, and we made our way to the field. After this talk, I was gonna sit on the benches. "Did you tell Argent yet?" 

"Ah, I texted him but he didn't get back to me." Scott told us and I sighed. Telling your dead sister is alive over text is just as bad as a breakup text. 

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" I asked, blinking as we stopped. "That's just as bad as a breakup over text." 

"I didn't have the money to call France." Scott pointed out and I sighed again. True. 

"Yeah, you think you got money problems?" Stiles mutters. "Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House." 

"Another notice?" I asked, looking up at Stiles. 

"Yeah, this one said final." Stiles sighed. "Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got, like, 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." 

So, last night was apparently eventful. Derek's back to normal, Stiles didn't tell me how 'cause he didn't know, and, the Peter and Derek were banked robbed. 117 million dollars was taken out of a vault that was underneath the school. They were loaded. 

"It is now." Scott said, looking over my shoulder, I turn my head and saw what looked like young people may be in their 15's, throwing lacrosse balls in nets and a 15-year-old boy catching it skillfully. I rose an eyebrow. 

As the 15-year-old boys shoot the balls into the net, the goalie, whoever the hell he is, keeps catching them. "Wow." I mutter. I turn to the boys. "He's good." I saw the boys were worried now, making me sigh. 

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles exclaimed, clearly not happy with the boy. Then, the boy takes off the helmet, revealing himself. I have no idea who he is, but, he's cute. If I was 15, I would date him. The boy looked 15, he had a sharp jawline, brownish hair, and sparkling blue eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. "Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit." 

Scott walked off, and I dragged Stiles back, smiling at him. "I know that you're worried, but just remember, no matter what happens out on the field today, you're my number one." I connected our lips briefly, and pulled back, he nodded quickly and I let him go and he sprints off with Scott. 

I follow the boys in the locker room as they stalked up the 15-year-old boy who had put a shirt on, his name was Liam apparently. We stood there, I crossed my arms, as I watched them. 

"Hey, Liam." Stiles greeted, but not in his usual kind voice, but his suspicious voice. They think Liam was a werewolf, I kept trying to tell them that you don't have to be a werewolf to be good at something. "You want to explain what that was out there?" 

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, sounding generally confused. I put a hand through my hair and I bite on my lower lip, this is going to end badly. 

"That little display, your little circus act." Stiles recalled. 

"What circus act?" Liam asked, frowning. I pressed my lips together. 

"You caught every shot." Stiles tried to explain.

"I was in goal." 

"Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got past you." Stiles nodded. 

"Yeah, I was the goalie." Liam stated, I facepalmed. "You guys played this game before?"

Stiles grunted and waved for Scott to talk this time. "You're a freshman, right?" Scott asked Liam. 


"But you weren't here last semester." I pointed out. I don't recall seeing Liam around the last semester. 

Liam shrugged. "Transfered from Devenford Prep." Liam informed us. 

"You transferred?" Scott asked. 


 "No, you got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott asked he must've been listening to his heartbeat or something. 

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