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As we search, and when I mean by we, I mean by Stiles, Scott, and Kira. They searched all the lacrosse sticks as we are in Coach's office, locked doors. They had taken all the caps off to try and find the dagger in the lacrosse stick.

"This... this is pointless," Scott told us, as he dropped the last lacrosse stick on the table. "Most of the team's plays with their own gear."

"Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game canceled?" I asked my brother, looking over at him, as I stand next to Stiles.

My brother turned his head to me. "The game is our best way to catch him red-handed," Scott informed me.

"But what if he's red-handed 'cause his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he stabbed to death?" Stiles argued, at least someone has my back. "Which, by the way, could be either of you guys."

"Or Liam." Scott softly added. More reason to cancel the game. "Well, we don't have the whole list and he could be on it."

"We don't know anything about that list." Stiles pointed out and I nodded in agreement. "How it's made, how it's updated. I mean, who's been out taking a supernatural census anyway?"

"How do they even know about me?" Kira asked.

"They know about everyone." Scott said.

Stiles sighed. "I think Stacey's right, I think we should stop the game." Stiles agreed.

"I'm not afraid," Scott told us, turning to us. My eyes widen, well, I am!

"Neither am I." Kira softly said, agreeing with Scott.

"Well, I'm terrified. And I'm not even on the list!" Stiles exclaimed. "Guys, these are professional killers. It's their profession. One of them's got a thermo-cut wire that cuts off heads. Who knows what else they have?"

"Stiles, I don't feel good about this game," I told him as we walk outside. "No, it's not my Banshee feeling. It's my, we should get this game canceled before someone gets killed, feeling."

"Yeah, I've been getting that feeling, too." Stiles mumbled slightly. "Stacey, promise me, whatever you do you stay with someone. Stay with Malia or Lydia. Please, promise me that."

"I can take care of myself." I told him, looking at him.

"Stacey, I didn't mean it like that, I know you can... but remember, these guys are professional killers, Stac. I don't want you to end up like Allison." I stopped walking when he said those words, I notice a crowd around the bus stop, looks like Devenford Prep's here. I looked up at Stiles, who had regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry, it just came out."

"Allison died protecting us, Stiles." I told him. "I'm willing to die for you, Scott, Malia, Kira, Derek, Liam, and Lydia if that meant protecting you guys. I just want you guys to be safe, and if that meant me being killed, so be it."

"If you die, I don't think I can live with myself." Stiles softly said, as he wipes a tear that had slipped from his eyes. I smiled softly and stepped closer to him. "I-I mean it, I want you alive with we get out of this mess, okay?"

"I can't make that promise, Stiles. After all, professional killers are after me." I reminded him. He nodded slowly, clearly not happy about where this conversation had lead to. I then connect our lips, it was a nice and sweet kiss. He kissed back, but I broke the kiss when I heard yelling. I turned around, and saw Liam confronting his old school. "This can't be good."

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