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I felt mad. I felt angry, and I felt pissed. No, I felt upset. I feel lied too. There were so many emotions going through me, I couldn't handle it. I was in my bed, twisting and turning. I then sat up, clenching my fists together. 

Why wouldn't they tell me that Malia was a Hale? How long have they known Malia? 

The last thought hurt me. I didn't know to want to know how long they knew Malia was a Hale, that just meant I find out how long they lied to me. It was late at night, and I couldn't get to sleep. What else have they been hiding from me? 

Who else has been keeping stuff from me? 

Oh, my god, have they been keeping things from me because I couldn't handle it? Now, I was angry again. Stupid lies. Stupid boys. Stupid trust issues. Stupid feelings

I knew I could avoid Stiles for the weekend, but I couldn't avoid Scott. He lives with me. I growled lowly, and I turned to my pillow and I hit it, letting out a small yell in anger. I then continued to hit the little bastard, letting out screams as I go. 

Eventually, those screams turn into sobs. And those sobs, turn into hurt. 

Head hung down, I walk down the hallways in the hospital trying to find mum. I'll bound to bump into her some hallways at some point. Scott wasn't home, I'm not complaining, and my dad had to go to San Fran for business. I'm not talking to anyone one in the pack, as I am still mad at them. 

Kira knew that Malia was related to the Hale's before I did. No hate to Kira, I love her, but I've known my pack for years. Kira comes strolling in and gets all the gossip, what do I get? Nothing. Not a single sip

Pushing the angry thoughts away, I thought about something Allison had told me one summer. If you're ever angry and something or someone, find boxing equipment and fight the living shit out of the boxing bag

Oh, how much I miss Allison right now. I feel like Allison's the only one who's had my back for the past few months, even though she's dead. But dead people can still have your back, right? Sighing, I passed a few patients who looked more upset than me. 

Pushing all thoughts away, I concentrated on finding my mum. It didn't take me long to find her when I heard a loud and sad scream, and I knew that was mum. My head snaps up to the hallway, seeing mum screaming and crying loudly on the ground. 

"What happened to my son!" 

My heart dropped, what's wrong with Scott? Beside mum, was a stretcher, and Scott. I took no time, and I sprinted over to mum and Scott. My heart almost stopped when I saw what state he was in. 

He looked like he was dead. 

"What happened to Scott!" I scream at the nurse who was beside mum, who was crying, not even noticing that I was here. I couldn't stop crying. He didn't look like he was breathing. My breathing became heavier, and the sobs became deeper. He can't be dead. 

I'm such a horrible sister. Scott could be dead and the last time I saw him I was angry at him. I continue to sob, I can't believe this really happened. What happened?! I want answers. I watch as Scott was quickly wheeled away on the stretcher, mum and I both holding each other now. 

I felt my phone go off, and I dig my hand in my pocket to get my phone. I look down at the phone screen and saw Stiles' name. 

Meet us down at the body room, now. Bring your mum, too.  
- Stiles 

How did he know I was here? Why the hell is he here? I look at mum, whose lips were quivering with fair as she clutches onto me. "Mum," I whisper softly to her, my voice was shaky. "Mum, follow me," 

I wipe under my eyes, as I follow mum into the body room. No doubt that my eyes were red and puffy. I looked and saw that there was Stiles, Kira, Liam, Mrs. Yukimura, and Scott's still what seems to be a dead body on the stretcher. 

After a bit, they explained why Scott was like that. They were trying to get visual confirmation from the Benefactor, and if Scott was dead, the Benefactor would need to pick up Scott themselves, therefore we get to see who Benefactor is. 

"I still hate this plan." I mutter, looking down at Scott's body. I look at Stiles, all I can see his hurt and regret in his eyes when he's looking at me. "I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead."

"Give me your hand," Mrs. Yukimura told me, and I looked at her. Excuse me? ]

I look at Stiles, who looked at me. "It's okay," he told me softly. That's the first word he's spoken to me since I left him at the vault. It's been a total of five days, I guess. The worst part of it is that I miss him, I miss him so much. I want to be mad at him for not telling me that Malia's a Hale, but I just can't. I can't stay mad. 

Trusting his words, I reach out my hand towards Mrs. Yukimura who takes it. Mrs. Yukimura placed my hand down on his chest softly, I gasp a little. "Wait for it." Mrs. Yukimura instructed me. I closed my eyes and I felt a heartbeat, I breathe in deeply. Thank god he's alive. 

"Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" Mum asks. Mrs. Yukimura turned her head as I pull my hand away. 

"Enough for an Alpha." Mrs. Yukimura informed. Times like these I'm thankful for Scott being an Alpha. 

"How much time do we have?" I asked. 

"Forty-five minutes," Mrs. Yukimura informed us. 

"What happens after that?" Mum asked further, trying to get more information. 

"I bring him back the same way," Kira explained. 

"No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than forty-five minutes?" Mum extends her question. I pressed my lips together as everyone looks at each other nervously. This can't be good. 

"No one's told them?" Mrs. Yukimura asked. Mum and I look at each other. 

"What? What happens after forty-five minutes?" I demand, and I looked at Stiles. He avoided eye contact, and I looked over at Mrs. Yukimura. 

"He dies." 

Mum, Mrs. Yukimura and I sit in Mrs. Yukimura's red car. Waiting for any sign for the Benefactor who walks through Beacon Hills hospital. I would've gone with Stiles, Liam, and Kira but I'm mad at Stiles. He needs to know what I've been through. 

I sit in the back seat; Mrs. Yukimura in the driver's seat and mum in the passenger seat. "What about him?" Mrs. Yukimura points to a man in the review mirror who was walking. 

"No. He's in here every week with a new self-diagnosis." Mum explained. 


"Perscription drug addict." Mum explained further. Mum glanced at the time on her watch. "Why are we doing this? Why are we asking them to fight these kinds of fights?" 

"Because otherwise, we'd be asking them to run and hide," Mrs. Yukimura told my mum softly. I think they've forgotten that I'm actually here. Mum pressed her lips together, nodding. 

Quickly, I follow mum and Mrs. Yukimura down the hallways of Beacon Hills hospital. The power flickers on and off. "I'm guessing the power doesn't go out often in this hospital." Mrs. Yukimura nervously said. 

You know what's scary, the fact there seems to be no one in this freakin' hospital. It seems to be abandoned, and top it off, the lights are flickering on and off as we walk down hallways. It's like a freakin' horror movie. 

"No. Only when under attack by supernatural creators," Mum said truthfully. We entered an empty room, with three laptops opened where Liam, Kira, and Stiles were meant to be. Oh, this can't be good. 

Turning around, we did and we walked down the hallways quickly and worriedly. It was silenced between us, I walked in between/slight behind mum and Mrs. Yukimura. My heart raced as we stopped and heard people screaming. 

We turned around and saw someone run full speed and we dodged out of the doctor's way, as he continued on running. Another doctor runs, screaming. What the hell's going on? I hear people whispering, going into other rooms, locking themselves in. 

That's when I hear the all too well familiar low growly voice. My eyes widen. The Berserkers. Slow and heavy footsteps were heard from the end of the hallway. It had revealed itself; in an animal, skull mask rib cages as a body suit. 

 My eyes widen. 

"Are you still a Kitsune?" I murmured to Mrs. Yukimura, who looked at me then at that Berserker. It's all alone. 


It seemed to growl as we back away very slowly, and then we ended up running.  

This chapter sucked I know, but it's getting there. 

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