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Ginny's P.O.V. :

"George, this is amazing!"

His recently cluttered desk was now cleared off just to be replaced with various products of all shapes and sizes.

"Thanks," he mumbled, his finger in his mouth since he got himself a paper cut.

I went to touch one of them, when he slapped my hand away. "I wouldn't touch that," he told me in a low threatening voice, his eyes held all siriusness.

I slowly pulled my hand back in a cautious manner. He stared at me, completely sirius.

He then bursted out laughing. "You should have see your face!" He exclaimed as he reached for a tiny little vial and handed it to me.

I looked at the clear liquid inside. "What is it?"

"Well, I have to give the idea of this to the muggles. This is what they call laxatives, except I added a bit of magic to it. Made it last longer, depending on how much you use. It has the opposite affect of the U-No-Poo that we already invented." He set it to the side in a little bag before grabbing a shampoo bottle and handing it to me. "This is 'Spot and Shine.' It makes you lose a couple of patches of your hair leaving a shiny bald spot. The remaining hair patches will grow up to five feet long and, if you wanted, you could put dye in the bottle to change the hair coloring."

"Do you have a yellow-ish jade green dye handy? That color is absolutely disgusting, it makes me want to puke every time I see it."

He walks over and opens a cabinet full of all different dyes before reaching into the very back and grabbing the small colored bottle.

"Never really used this color: I never really liked it either," he admits, setting it into the bag with the other contraptions.

I then see a couple of different cauldrons full of liquid, scattered on a cluttered table in the corner.

"What's this?" I asked, smelling the cauldron.

"Oh this," he replies, "is one of my newer inventions that one of my- ugh...- friends helped me invent. It's Amortentia perfume."

"Oh was it Lee that helped you?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "Uh no."




"Yes?" He answered quickly. I raised an eyebrow as he stood there unmoving, just staring at me.

"You're lying," I accused him. "It's a wonder the cauldron is still in one piece. Seamus is absolutely rotten at potions and you willingly let him help you brew some?"

"Yes?" He said again, his voice unsure. My eyes catch him purse is lips. It was so silent, you could hear a pen drop.

I then grin wildly before pulling him into a hug, earning a grunt from him.

"Ahhhh! What's she like?" I questioned, pulling back from the hug. His face turned a little red before he too started smiling.

He pulled me back into the hug. "She's beautiful, Ginny. Stunning actually. She's incredibility smart and even more kind. Anyway, she came into the shop a couple of weeks ago looking to pick up some supplies for her brother who loves to pull pranks. The next morning, she came back, claiming that she was just looking around. I kept stealing glances at her and I think she was doing the same. Finally, I approached her while she was looking at the love potions. But before I could ask her to lunch, she beat me to the punch and asked me if I wanted to grab something to eat. She said that she had an idea for a new product that I could sell. Anyway, she proposed the idea of Amortian perfume. I told her I wasn't very good at potions so I asked her if she'd be willing to help me brew a batch or two-"

"George potions was the only class you received an Outstanding in; you're amazing at potions," I pointed out.

"She doesn't need to know that. I had to play dumb for a couple of hours, but it was totally worth it to spend time with her. You'd really love her, Ginny," he stated, grabbing a flask out of the cabinet before filling it with the potion and handing it to me.


"You'll find a use for it; we need someone to try it out as well."

"Alright then, it's 11:30 already. I guess I better be heading back," I told him, bringing him into a hug before pulling away. "Seven o'clock sharp at mine and Hermione's apartment."

I grab the bag, placing the perfume in it carefully before heading towards the door. He followed behind me, ready to flip the sign to open after I left.

I paused before the front doors of the shop.

"Bring your date tonight, if you can. I really do want to meet her and if you aren't a couple yet, then just ask her to come as a friend," I stated, hoping he would ask her to come tonight.

"I'll ask, but there's no guarantee that she'll come."

I nodded my head, gave him a goodbye hug, and left through the front doors a smile gracing my face.


*Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your wonderful votes and comments! They are just so much fun to read! I hope you are enjoying the story.

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Love you guys! Stay groovy!*

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