Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch something or cry my eyes out. Who the fuck does he think he is? He fucking left me. He left me at the lake house all alone for anything to fucking happen to me. He didn't come back. At least, he didn't come back in the two hours in the two hours I stayed there waiting for him. I figured two hours was enough so after that, I stole the GT500 that was in the garage.

"What do you mean you haven't heard from him? He's you best friend!" I practically yelled into the phone.

"Calm down, Lily. I know you're frustrated, which is expected, but Jaxson hasn't been answering our calls and texts either," Henry's voice calmly told me. I all but screamed into the phone at how calm he was being in this stressful situation.

"Where are you at?"

"We're at our apartment."

"Text me your address," I demanded before hanging up the phone. I kept my eyes on the road in front of me, making sure I didn't hit any cars as I weaved in and out of traffic. A second later my phone buzzed and I quickly put the apartment address in the GPS. Thank Vader that the apartment wasn't far from where I was and with more pressure to the gas, I managed to make it there within five minutes. I pulled up next to the Charger, where Henry and David were already waiting for me.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked as soon as I got out of the car. I merely shook my head as he opened up his arms for me, which I was quick to step in. As soon as his arms wrapped around me, my anger diminished and was instead replaced with heartache. What if something happened to Jaxson? What if this was his way of leaving me? Why else would he abandon me and refuse to pick up his phone? He left me. He fucking left me.

"I don't know what I did wrong," I choked out. I was full on sobbing at that point, not really caring if David and Henry saw me ugly cry.

"I'm going to kill him," David's voice reached my ears. I pulled slightly away from Henry, only to see that David was already climbing inside the Charger. If it was any other time I would have been questioning the fact that David was actually defending me, but I was too worried about my own self misery to pay attention to him. Instead I allowed Henry to lead me inside his apartment. It was more like a condo that I'm sure Jaxson paid for, but if Henry wanted to call it an apartment then I would call it an apartment.

"Do you think something happened to him?" I asked, his arms still wrapped around me. They didn't feel as safe as Jaxson's arms, but they still brought me a sense of comfort.

"Truthfully, I don't think so. We have measures installed in case he's ever in trouble, but we haven't gotten anything," Henry admitted. That only made me cry even more. I was relieved that he was most likely okay, but that only meant that Jaxson left me. Apparently David was worried about the wrong person hurting the other.


Three days. It had been three days since Jaxson left me at the lake house. Three days since anyone had heard from him. I was going absolutely insane not knowing what happened. My emotions kept switching in between anger, despair, and just nothing. There was no in between, which meant at that moment the only feeling I felt was no feeling at all.

"Can you pass the mashed potatoes?"

I looked up from my plate to see David was looking expectantly at me and the bowl of mashed potatoes that sat in front of me. I sent him a forced smile before grabbing the bowl and handing it to him.

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