ix. - the reviver

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I felt my breath catch in my throat with those words. They bounce around in my skull, the emptiness in his voice making it even more eerie,'You're all dead'.

Everyone was stopped in their tracks as they stare at him, I notice Jeongin out of the corner of my eye glancing between us. I notice Seungmin's eyes become slightly brighter and more excited than before as his eyes trailed up and down my body.

I have a strong feeling he's not thinking about what normal guys think.

I feel my heart skip when Seungmin's foot twitches in my direction and I suddenly hear a quick whoosh before someone is standing in front of me with their arms out protectively.

Everyone gasps, including me. I wonder if it's Jeongin..but I see Jeongin over this person's shoulder..so who was protecting me?

"I dare you," a deep, almost raspy voice says with a tinge of anger and hissing.

I hear Seungmin's laugh again, low and taunting,"I might actually take you up on that offer..who knew that your emotions could actually get the best of you, Felix?"

Now I knew why everyone was stalled..because the most silent and emotionless member of their group was protecting me, even though he knew nothing about me.



We have all heard Felix speak before but only in little bits and pieces and usually with an emotionless tone. We had never seen him with emotions either, even Hyunjin, the machine, smiled every once in awhile.

This was new though. Seeing an emotion on his face. His lips curling up in a scowl. Anger pure and clear in his voice. The veins in his arms showing themselves as he held them out to hide Somi from Seungmin.

This looks like a resenting type of anger. A killing type of anger.

Seungmin seems to find this amusing though as he takes a single step forward with his tongue teasingly sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

Felix growls at him, giving him a warning.

Seungmin raises his eyebrows,"This is fun.."

He starts forward and launches at Felix but that's when Minho collides with him, causing them both to topple into the ground.

"What the hell, Minho?!" Seungmin yells as he stands up.

Minho's eyes start to crinkle as he looks at his hands and then at his feet with confusion,"I...I don't actually know."

"What do you mean 'you don't actually know'?!" Seungmin's perfectly white teeth gnashing at our third oldest.

Minho looks around with fear,"I.."

I start to take a step back, but Minho yells out,"STOP!"

My eyes widen as I hold my hands up in a surrendering motion,"Uh-okay."

I place my foot down in the same spot it was before,"W..why?"

Minho blinks,"I..I don't know."

Seungmin scoffs,"You're insane. I think he's going insane-"

"How did you know to jump in front of Felix? That was almost like a spur of the moment..none of us saw it coming," I question Minho with my arms crossed.

Minho blinks a few more times,"I don't mean to sound repetitive but.." he looks around at us with actual, pure terror in his eyes,"I don't know."


I had always had a hand for healing people, even when I was a kid, it always felt like it was a natural thing.

I remember healing a kid's broken arm once with a makeshift sling out of two tree branches and some long leaves I found, I remembered seeing my dad doing it so I decided to do it myself. He would've been proud of me. He would've smiled. I longed to see that smile again.

I wanted to feel his warmth as he hugged me after a long trip from work. But I knew that wouldn't happen again. I've known ever since I was eight.

But still, I kept his memory alive with his expertise that he passed down to me..little did I know that it would mean my demise when I got older.

World War II was ravaging the Earth and I thought I was safe from conscription..but when I turned twenty-one, the letter came and my mother cried.

When I got there, I was scared of death. I didn't want to die. But it seemed like a good way to go, to go without even thinking about it at that moment. Expecting it at the last minute scared me even more.

The first battle we were in, I was horrified at the scene but that's when one of my fellow men got shot down and was left with a bullet wound to the shoulder..but I wouldn't leave him. I saved him and got told how bad of a soldier I was..but that I was a hell of a good doctor.

I got transferred to the hospital unit and couldn't be happier. Saving people. That was more my speed.

I had been there for ten months, almost a year, when they brought in a man more bloody with more blood I had ever seen in my life. They said his heart wasn't beating.

I couldn't bring him to. I wanted to be left alone. I held his cold, lifeless hand and felt hot tears stream down my face as I apologized over and over. I did this every time something like this happened, I couldn't help it, they deserved someone to grieve for them.

But, when my eyes were closed, everything suddenly went black.

I woke up to people screaming,'Doctor Kim is dead! Doctor Kim is dead!'

When I stood up to tell them I wasn't, they screamed louder.

I was dead. My soul was. My body wasn't.

I remember running away, I remember finding Chan, I remember him recruiting me. I was the second one in our group. Chan was the first. It had been just him and I for a long time.

When Minho came along, it was a huge change. When Changbin came, we pitied him but it was still quite a big change. As they all started filing in, one by one, it was a big change.

But, to this day, I still say that Jeongin is the biggest change, especially when we started getting these visions.

He won't ever admit it, but he knows it has something to do with him. He doesn't know how. I don't know how. But we all wanted an explanation, and the young woman standing behind Felix right now could tell us.

She'd have to tell us soon or we all knew that Seungmin wouldn't give her time. And that's what scared us all the most.

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