The Unforgettable Field Trip

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Let's just say this isn't very good because I'm really tired but here's this.

Let's just say today was not my day. Clint had decided to prank me by turning off my alarm and then glitter bomb me to wake me up. Then it was just my luck that Happy was out sick so he couldn't drive me and both dad and pops where busy with something or other and couldn't drive me to school so I was even later than I already was.

And then I find out that there is a field trip to none other than my house.

That's how I find myself on a bus heading home with Flash trying to throw paper balls at the back o my head while I dodge them, not caring if I never did it before now.

"Dude you are so screwd!" Ned yells and I nod.

"I already know that Ned," I say back.

"Oi, is penis parker scared that we'll find out his internship is fake!" Flash yells from his place three benches behind me.

"At least you can finally prove them that you actually do have an internship," Ned says and I whack my head against the seat in front of me.

"That's what I'm afraid of Ned. When they find out that the whole school thinks that I was lying and Flash has been bullying me, Flash is dead," I say to Ned next to me while trying to think of a way to get out of this, maybe I could just break my arm?

"Dude, I know what you're thinking and don't even go there. This will all turn fine. You said it yourself that they're all going to be busy doing their own. Clint the vents, Bucky baking, Steve drawing, Tony doing something in the lab, Natasha doing whatever Natasha does, and Bruce in the labs as well. Their all going to be busy doing their own thing," Ned says, trying to talk me down from jumping out the window.

"You don't know them like I do. If they even get a whiff of me being there they are all going to go out of their way to try and embarrass and annoying me,"

"Maybe it won't be so bad this time," Ned says hopefully while referring to the time that I had taken him to the tower for the first time.

"They are going to do exactly what they did when they met you. They did exactly the same thing when I moved in." I say.

"Well yeah, but maybe it'll be different with a larger amount of people."

"How about no? If anything it's going to make them more motivated to embarrass me."

I was going to say more but the teacher had started talking as we pulled to stop in front of Stark/Avengers tower.

"All right class I want you to listen up! We were invited here so we should be all be on her best behavior. Firstly, if anyone of you are messing around or anything you'll be sent back to the bus to wait until the tour is over, that would be about the whole day." He says in an excited voice.

I am the other hand was not excited in the least bit. We all started getting off the bus and Flash walked past me with a smug look on his face thinking that he was about to prove my internship was fake, boy was he wrong.

The whole class walked in the front door and into the lobby where Abby who was an intern was waiting for the class with a clipboard with a pen stuck in her hair and a box in her hands.

"Hello Midtown High!" She says cheerily and to others might seem as if she's faking it.

I smirk to myself and know that she's not faking even an ounce of it as she was naturally bouncy and happy. I would know as I trained her when she first came to SI.

"If you all would gather around I'll call out your names for your guest badges which you will be able to keep as they expire at five. I will give you warning though, if you try to sneak back in with your card after the tour you will be escorted from the building and not allowed into any other SI building so I suggest that you don't try. By the way, my name is Abby Colts and I will be your tour guide for today. Now I will hand out your ID cards as soon as I find my pen," Abby says while patting her pockets for her pen.

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