Class Reunion

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I was scared. I had left this behind me four years ago and I really didn't want to go back. I had been tormented here by both friends and enemies. Turns out when you come out as gay to your two best friends they leave you.

Everyone seemed to leave me in high school. I was alone. That was until I met Johnny. Johnny took me away and helped me get out my shell and become the man who I was today.

"I can tell you're about to burst with nervousness," Johnny says and kisses my temple while I faced forward looking out the window so I don't drive off the road.

"Of course I'm nervous! I haven't seen these people in four years. Last time I saw them was after graduation when they beat me to a pulp for being gay," I say gripping the steering wheel so hard that it deforms under my hands.

"I know baby. I know but you told me to drag you there by the hair if I had to when you first brought it up," Johnny says and I huff.

"Yeah, but that was just know," I say blushing bright red.

"Yeah it was but you told me that you would try to get out of it and to not let you," Johnny says and I huff.

 "Some times I hate myself," I grumble as I pull into Midtown high school parking lot.

"Cheer up, we can make fun of the others while their hammered and we are sober as newborn lambs," Johnny says and I raise my eyebrows at him. 

"You have a weird way of talking," I say and get out of the car. 

"And you love me for it," Johnny says and I laugh.

"That I do," I say and hold his hand once he comes around the car.

We walk towards the door and I hesitate before it. What would happen? We had tried so hard to keep this on the down low and didn't even say that we would be coming in case someone decided to make a penny by getting the pops here for a good story.

"Just go in ok? You are going to be fine and if anyone does anything you don't like then I will roast them to a crisp," Johnny says lighting his hand on fire and I laugh.

"I think you would get in trouble for that," I say and Johnny shrugs.

"It would be worth it," Johnny says and I shake my head.

"I guess there's no getting out of it is there?" I question and Johnny nods.

"Let's get this over then," I say and open the door with Johnny behind me.

The moment we went through the door all eyes landed on us and everything seemed to stop moving. I could see the looks of confusion in everyone's eyes as they look at us. I guess it was odd seeing two superheroes who just happen to be engaged to each other walking into a class reunion, even if one of the mentioned superheroes used to attend here.

"Relax, I can feel you shaking," Johnny says and I laugh softly.

"I should have brought the suit along," I mutter and now it's Johnny's turn to laugh.

"Your mother told you to stop doing that when you started college," Johnny says and I shrug.

"She may be the Black Widow but she didn't understand the way teen boys think," I say and Johnny laughs.

"But you didn't stop wearing it till your second year of college did you?" Johnny says and I blush.

"So what? I was ready in case anything bad happened, which it did by the way if you don't remember yourself crashing into the caf," I point out and Johnny pouts.

"That was one time," Johnny grumbles and I laugh.

"Sure it was one time but it would have been worse if Karen didn't let me know you were coming," I say and he grumbles.

"Peter? I didn't think you would be brave enough to show up here," A faintly familiar male voice questions and I turn around with dread.

Standing there was Ned Leeds, otherwise known as my ex-best friend. I hate how people change just because of who you like or how you look. I hate that some people were so shallow.

"Yeah, I came. I may have missed the last three but I decided it was about time," I say and lean towards Johnny subconsciously.

"So you're still a faggot? I thought you would have changed by now, I guess now I should know better," Ned snarls and I lean closer at to Johnny at his words.

"You know Leeds? I've had enough of you," Another faintly familiar male voice says and I look to the side and see Flash of all people.

"Get out of here Flash, no one asked you to butt in," Ned says and I wince.

"Get out of here loser, I've had enough of your lies and shamming," Flash says and it's a three-way stare off between Ned, Flash, and Johnny. 

"Shut up!" Ned growls and I back away and am practically hiding behind Johnny.

"I will not 'shut up'! You bullied me constantly and called me horrendous slurs and made me believe that Peter also hated anything else but straight and that was a lie!" Flash yells and this catches the attention of everyone in the gym.

"Flash, calm own baby," A man says coming up behind Flash and rubs his back soothingly.

"No Mark! Ned tormented me all throughout high school as well as Peter once he came out. Now he's doing it all over again," Flash says and the man who I guess is Mark glares at Flash.

"Get away from us now or I'll beat the shit out of you," Both Mark and Johnny threaten at the same time.

Ned looks like he just ate a ghost pepper from how red his face is.

"This isn't over," Ned says and walks away.

"I think it is," Johnny says and wraps his arm around me.

"So, that just happened," Flash says and I look at him.

"Yeah, guess it did," I say.

"What were you talking about?" Johnny asks and I nod.

"When we were all in seventh grade, I told Ned I liked him. Turns out he really hated anyone who wasn't straight. He started picking on me and bullying me. Once we got to high school he stopped doing it as much. Once you moved to the school and started hanging out with him I thought you were like him so I started taking my anger out on you because you couldn't defend yourself," Flash says hanging his head.

"I-I had no idea," I stutter.

"Yeah, I wanted to keep it that way," Flash says rubbing his neck.

"I think we should leave," Johnny says out of the blue.

I look around and see that everyone is staring at us and I shift around.

"I think you may be right. Do the two of you want to ditch this and go out for drinks instead?" I question and both Mark and Flash nod with smiles on their faces.

"Sounds better than staying in the hell whole," Flash says and I grin.

We all pile into our car and drive to the nearest bar and spend the rest of the night drinking our asses off with me drinking highly concentrated alcohol with my metabolism.

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