Hearing Aids Part One

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I updated on time! 

I saw this in another one-shot but I can't remember the author so if this was your original idea please comment to let me know so I can give you credit for your work. The only thing I took from the author of the other one-shot is that Peter has special hearing aids to dial down his hearing and Flash bothers him about it and The Avengers come to Peter's defense. This is part one of two parts. 

I was having a really good day. I got out of the tower in time and for once wasn't late for the train and therefore not late for school. I aced my Spanish quiz. Flash had been leaving me alone for the most part and I remembered lunch.

Everything was going good until chemistry that is. I was sleeping just fine until Ned nearly knocked me over while trying to wake me up.

"What is it?" I question with a big frown on my face.

I was utterly annoyed that I was woken up as I was up late last night.

"Mr. Harrington's going to tell us where our field trip is," Ned says and he is nearly bouncing in his chair.

"Class listen up!" Mr. Harrington yells and everyone shuts up and faces forward.

"We are going to be going on the field trip we won at our national decathlon competition. I have permission slips to hand out to all of you for you guardians to sign so you can go on the trip," Mr. Harrington says.

Mr. Harrington then starts walking down the isles while passing out the permission slips.

"Now as you all know that if you don't get the slip signed there is no trip. All of you get out of here and have a good day. Peter, I want to talk to you after class," Mr. Harrington says just before the bell rings, dismissing us for the day.

Everyone else except Ned and I shoot out of the classroom. Ned gave me a pitying look and then leaves the classroom.

"Now Peter I know that someone has been spreading rumors about you working at SI these's last few months." Mr. Harrington says.

"Yeah, Ned accidentally let that slip," I say rubbing the back of my neck and Mr. Harrington seems surprised at this.

"You're the one spreading that rumor," Mr. Harrington says.

"It's not a rumor. I really do have an internship there," I say with a strain in my voice.

The reason that story began was that one day a kid saw me getting into Happy's car one day which led to a lot of questions so Ned thought quickly and said that I worked at SI.

"Peter I thought you were better than this. You know not to lie and about something so absurd as that you have an internship at a company like SI," Mr. Harrington scolds.

"Mr. Harrington I'm not lying! I really do have an internship there!" I burst out.

"Peter you are a very bright student but I really do doubt that you could get an internship at such a prestigious business," Mr. Harrington says with a frown.

"I'm not lying," I say in a small voice.

"Peter since you refuse to tell the truth you are no longer on the decathlon team," Mr. Harrington says and I am shocked.

"You can't do that! I'm not lying!" I yell so angry with Mr. Harrington and him not believing me.

"One more word out of you and you won't be going on the field trip and will be suspended for a week," Mr. Harrington threatens and I am left gaping.

I don't say anything else and just grab my stuff and storm out of the classroom. I wanted to rip my hair off my head. No one ever believed me about anything.

I slammed my locker closed once I had gotten my backpack. I was turning around when I slammed into a body and knocked back into my locker. I looked up to see Flash and his 'friends'.

"What's up Penis? You get in trouble for lying about having an internship?" Flash taunts.

"Flash leave me alone, I'm having a shitty day," I say and try to push past them but with pretending to be a weak nerd I just got pushed back into the lockers.

"What's wrong? You get kicked off the decathlon team?" Flash says again and I scowl.

Everything was getting to be too much and I could feel a sensory overload coming on along with a headache.

"Fuck off Flash, I need to get home," I say and push past him and his friends.

I storm out of the building to where Happy was waiting in his car. I stormed over to the car and pull the door open and then slam it closed once I was in.

Happy drive off once I was buckled in and I pop in my hearing aids. I fish my phone out of my pocket and go to music.

I click on Chopin and my playlist starts. I drag out my calculus problem book and start working through it.

There's always something about Chopin and calculus that seems to calm me down.

The rest of the trip is spent like that, me listening to Chopin and doing calculus with Happy shooting me glances in the mirror.

Once we stop in front of SI, I thank Happy for the ride and slam the door on my way out.

I'm so sick and tired of Flash's bullying that I am ready to revile my identity to the world just to make him shut up. I storm through the lobby and over to Tony's private elevator.

"Lab, FRIDAY," I say and the elevator starts moving up.

Tony had given me half of his personal lab which covered a whole floor so I had half a floor as my lab.

From there I split my lab in half. One half for various projects and the other half of The millennium math problems.

For the last two years, I've been trying to solve the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem

I sit down at the desk and bring up the holographic screen and pick up the pen, take out my hearing aids and get to work. 

********Time Skip by my awful knowledge of math*********

I rub my face and put my head on the desk. Four hours and nothing, not even the tiniest movement forward. I am so close to solving this and now I'm stuck.

"Peter, Tony has requested you come to dinner now," FRIDAY says from the ceiling.

"Tell him I'll be right there," I say with a muffled voice.

"Is it an 'I'll be right there meaning in two hours' or a real 'I'll be right there'?" FRIDAY questions with a hint of sarcasm in her robotic voice.

"Its a real be right there," I say with a smile, FRIDAY always seemed to make me laugh or smile. 

I get up from my desk and pop my hearing aids back into my ears. I hated that I had to wear the aids in order not to have a sensory overload. I pull the door open and the moment it opened a creak I could hear everything five floors up and five floors below.

That means I can hear Pepper yelling at a man in her office and I can hear the thunk thunk thunk of Nat most likely hitting the bull's eye of the targets in the training room. I pull out my phone and dial up the strength of the hearing aids so I don't hear as much.

I walk down the hall and into the elevator and ask FRIDAY to bring me up to the kitchen. The moment I walk out of the elevator and smell Chinese take out. I walk into the kitchen where everyone was waiting for me to eat, a miracle in this house.

"Finally decided to join I see," Clint says and starts eating now that I was sitting down.

"Not today Clint," I say and dig into my sweet and sour pork. 

"What's got you worked up?" Tony asks with his mouth full of food. 

"A kid at school," I say and quickly finish my food and stand up.

"I'll be in my room," I say and walk out of the kitchen.

What I didn't know is that Tony was planing something that I would regret not knowing. 

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