Mr. President

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Peter is not spiderman but he still has his powers. He doesn't know the Avengers personally and they don't know him personally. Instead, Peter is a government agent and as stopped a lot of terrorist attacks on a lot of countries, including his own, America. 

Thank god that it was Friday. I felt if I had been up three days straight (which wasn't true but he had dealt with a big mission on Monday night and was still tired) and was ready to go back home and relax.

I am currently listening to my English teach drone on about Shakespeare and his works and plays. It was probably the most mundane thing in the world and I was loving it. When you are like me you don't really get to be normal, then again listening to a teacher drone on about Shakespeare isn't normal but can you blame me? I live in a CIA building with a bunch of agents working around me (I was taken from my parents when I was younger because they experimented on me and that's why I live where I do) while I'm trying to study or write my reports on the missions I've gone on and I have been to almost every country in the world and speak at least seven languages fluently and about five decently.

"Mr. Parker, are you paying attention?" Mrs. Morgan questions and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am," I say politely and get a few snickers, turns out not a lot of people respect the teachers.

"What were we talking about then?" Mrs. Morgan asks and I smile.

"How women weren't allowed to play roles in plays at Shakespeare's time and men dressed up as women to play the roles," I say and the teacher sighs.

"That's correct," She says and goes to drone on some more. 

I have to hide my snort at how she was annoyed at how I knew what she was talking about when I wasn't paying attention. I go back to drawing the presidential seal along with a drawing of the white house.

I'm so in deep in thought about my last mission that I jump when I hear the national anthem blasting out to the room. I quickly reach into my pocket to answer the phone when Mrs. Morgan glares at me.

"Speakerphone Mr. Parker," She says and I wince.

"I really can't do that with this one," I say and Mrs. Morgan deepens her glare and I sigh and answer the phone on speakerphone and a mans voice starts to speak.

"Parker thank god you answered. I need you to fly to DC as soon as the chopper lands and meet me at my office, everyone is losing their minds here," The President of the united states says loudly in a rush.

"Sir-" I try to speak but am cut off.

"Peter what have I told you! It's James to you," The president says and I sigh as my whole class looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Thank you for that offer Sir-" I try to say but am cut off again.

"I don't give a shit if I'm the president or not, this is a direct order, call me James," The president says and I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"If you keep cutting me off I'll never get to tell you that my English class can hear you right now," I say and Flash stands up with a smirk.

"There's no way Penis Parker is talking to the president of the united states!" He yells and I wince. 

"Who is that Peter?" The president says in a dangerously low voice.

"No one that's important," I say and wince when I see Flash's face turn red and I know I said the wrong thing.

"No one important!? I'll let you know that I'm the most popular kid at Penis's school and star quarterback and Penis doesn't have a right to say otherwise! He's just a weak nerd with no family because they couldn't stand to be around him!" Flash yells and I hear a fist slam on a desk on the other end of the line.

"I'm going onto the TV so they can see me," The president says and I start to object.

"Really sir you don-" But it was too late as the president of the united states face appears on the TV with a murderous look on his face and the white house lawn behind him. 

"Which one of you is Eugene 'Flash' Thompson?" He asks and Flash raises his hand with a stunned look on his face along with the rest of the class that as similar looks on their faces.

"I'll have you know that Agent Peter Parker is this countries best agent and have saved all of your asses too many times to count. The only reason you are still alive is because he sacrificed his life as a normal child so you all can be safe. When your school was broken into by a school shooter do you know who dealt with them? Peter, Peter saved all of your lives so many times so maybe shut the hell up about him and give him the respect he deserves!" The president says red-faced.

After he speaks there is silence in the room intel there is a thud from above.

3rd person

"Peter your chopper is there, I'll see you soon," The president says and Peter rushes out of the room and the president stays on screen.

"Eugen I have put you on the Interpol's red list. If you so much break one law then you will find yourself in a cell without a key. I'll know if you bully Agent Parker again or not because I'll have a secret service agent watching you, I would watch your back as Agent Parker is loved by everyone in DC and any one of them can end your life," And with the final threat the president leaves the screen and leaves behind a terrified class and an especially terrified Flash as he was just told off by the president of the united states.


Peter returned the next week from a weekend at the white house and a successful mission in France. Flash was trying to not be seen by him and left everyone else alone. Peter smiles as he walks into the English class in the back as always and the people who normally sat in the back along with him cramming into the front rows so he's by himself, for fear of being scolded by the president himself. No one but his English class knows about what the president said for fear of disappearing without a trace.

The End.

Signing out for now.

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